Couples match rank list

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Aug 13, 2018
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Just curious- how many rank combinations did you guys do if you are doing couples match? Just want to know what an average amount is to feel comfortable.

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Rank every possible combination that you'd prefer to both of you not matching. Depending on the specialties involved there could be 40, 140 or 240 and you''d never know if it was enough or not.

What specialties are you two looking at? And how competitive are you for your respective specialties?
The people I knew who were couples matching used all 300 ranks - matches where they were together, followed by matches where they were apart, followed by matches where one matched and the other didn’t. But since that’s our school’s recommendation, I don’t know if that’s common or unusual.
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The people I knew who were couples matching used all 300 ranks - matches where they were together, followed by matches where they were apart, followed by matches where one matched and the other didn’t. But since that’s our school’s recommendation, I don’t know if that’s common or unusual.
This is exactly what we did, used all 300 ranks but never got to the combinations where one of us didn't match. All the other couples we know did the same thing
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Used all 300. Was a no-brainer for us. Unless you have kids or reasons you 100% have to be near each other, better for both people to match than risk the scramble IMO.