couples match rank

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Aug 13, 2018
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Question...I know with couples match its better to have more ranks compared to regular match. My significant other and I have a good amount of interviews together thankfully and we're very happy to have them but we'd like to narrow down our list some if possible to save money and not go to too many places. What is considered a safe amount of places to have together as a couple?

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With couples matching, I think a lot of it comes down to the distribution of your combined interviews, how strong of applicants you are individually, how well you interview, and other softer factors as well. It is going to be difficult for anyone on this forum to be able to give you an accurate estimate of how many places you should apply to in order to near-guarantee a match other than "more is better". I know that at my school, our dean sits down with both people couples matching and helps them come up with a strategy because the dean 1) has done this a lot and 2) knows both applications very well. I might recommend doing the same thing with one of your deans or another trusted advisor.
With couples matching, I think a lot of it comes down to the distribution of your combined interviews, how strong of applicants you are individually, how well you interview, and other softer factors as well. It is going to be difficult for anyone on this forum to be able to give you an accurate estimate of how many places you should apply to in order to near-guarantee a match other than "more is better". I know that at my school, our dean sits down with both people couples matching and helps them come up with a strategy because the dean 1) has done this a lot and 2) knows both applications very well. I might recommend doing the same thing with one of your deans or another trusted advisor.
We've already applied to places and have >20 places together. I just want to narrow down our interview list so we're not going on too many interviews but also making sure we have enough contiguous ranks.
We've already applied to places and have >20 places together. I just want to narrow down our interview list so we're not going on too many interviews but also making sure we have enough contiguous ranks.

Yeah I understand what you're saying, but I still think you should talk to your institutional advisor as they'll know how many you can safely cut it down to based on how applicants from your school into those specialties have fared both overall and at the specific programs you're interviewing at, and they'll have a better idea of which programs you can safely not interview at.

Also sorry by "apply to" in my previous post I meant "interview at" - my mistake
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Yeah I understand what you're saying, but I still think you should talk to your institutional advisor as they'll know how many you can safely cut it down to based on how applicants from your school into those specialties have fared both overall and at the specific programs you're interviewing at, and they'll have a better idea of which programs you can safely not interview at.

Also sorry by "apply to" in my previous post I meant "interview at" - my mistake
Oh I get what you're saying! No worries, thank you for your response I'll see if I can contact someone at the school.
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