COVID Vaccine

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I had the first dose of Moderna and only side effect was a REALLY sore arm. Of course, I know that dose 2 is supposed to be the worse one.

I get my Moderna 1st shot later today. We'll see about the side effects, worst I've had in the past was sore arm after tdap boosters.

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Pfizer vaccine is offered to staff at the hospital here. Although it is not mandated, it is essential to be vaccinated to continue patient care. Got my 1st dose of Pfizer vaccine with some expected reactions, including headaches, muscle pain, joint pain, and tiredness. Nothing intolerable.
Got my first dose of Moderna this week. Only had some mild arm soreness, so I guess I’m lucky!

Related to a question above, did anyone have to wait 15 mins before leaving? I get it’s to watch for severe reactions, but I’ve never had to do that for another vaccine before. It seems the immediate side effect profile is no worse than other vaccine. Is it just an optics thing given vaccination reluctance, or am I missing something?
Yes! 15 mins wait for observation for Pfizer vaccine as well.
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I'm getting my first Moderna dose on Thursday, and glad to finally have it scheduled. I'm a bit nervous that I'll be going into the woods for a week of wilderness therapy guiding immediately after - it was the only day my company could schedule with the county - but it'll be worth it to potentially feel like crap for a day at work. Luckily my group of young adults has been pretty well-behaved lately.
First shot is in the book...or arm to be more precise. I'm one of those who had to wait 30 mins. Nothing to report, not even arm soreness. So far felt exactly like a flu shot, which is unnoticeable for me.
Give us a 24 hours post report.

I want to start a new trend. #ModernaArm

Am I hastaging correct youngins'?
My arm soreness started within a few hours of the shot and then got way worse as the day progressed. It was the absolute worst the next day (day 2 I guess?) and then somewhat better the following day (day 3?)

My coworkers who got the shot at roughly the same time as me also started talking about arm soreness around the same time mine started.
Got my first dose of Moderna this week. Only had some mild arm soreness, so I guess I’m lucky!

Related to a question above, did anyone have to wait 15 mins before leaving? I get it’s to watch for severe reactions, but I’ve never had to do that for another vaccine before. It seems the immediate side effect profile is no worse than other vaccine. Is it just an optics thing given vaccination reluctance, or am I missing something?
They make you do this for Gardasil vaccine too. It is because in some rare instances you can get anaphylaxis, so if you're sitting in the wait area and suddenly collapse they know what to do. If it doesn't happen pretty quickly after the shot (i.e., in about 15 minutes), it's not gonna happen.
They make you do this for Gardasil vaccine too. It is because in some rare instances you can get anaphylaxis, so if you're sitting in the wait area and suddenly collapse they know what to do. If it doesn't happen pretty quickly after the shot (i.e., in about 15 minutes), it's not gonna happen.

Makes sense. Just surprised I’ve never had that for any of the numerous other vaccines I’ve gotten. But as per others, seems my experience is not the only one. Thanks!
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Got my first moderna vaccine a day and a half ago. Arm soreness and somewhat restricted range of motion, pretty fatigued and mentally fuzzy, chills last night with a headache. It probably doesn’t help that I’m in the Oregon woods and it’s currently snowing, but seems like all my coworkers have similar symptoms. Hoping tomorrow is better
billy madison GIF
Had my first dose of Moderna about a week ago. Barely felt the injection. No side effects for the rest of the day. However, I rolled over on my injection arm during the middle of the night (about 12-15 hours after the vaccine) and woke up from the pain and soreness...which persisted throughout day 2. This is typical for me with shots, but more pronounced with this vaccine as it was painful to lift my arm. Nothing at all unbearable, but noticeable. Day 3 everything was back to normal and I had a full range of motion.
Second dose of Pfizer: mild arm soreness (less than flu shot!) and felt a little more tired than usual. Both now gone, ~36 hours later.
Got my first moderna vaccine a day and a half ago. Arm soreness and somewhat restricted range of motion, pretty fatigued and mentally fuzzy, chills last night with a headache. It probably doesn’t help that I’m in the Oregon woods and it’s currently snowing, but seems like all my coworkers have similar symptoms. Hoping tomorrow is better
Day after my first Moderna - very sore arm, spiking up to 7 and then calming down, responds well to Advil. Definitely fatigued and mentally fuzzy. Not in the Oregon woods, but went downhill skiing today and was sooo sloooww. But, I'm functional and can get through my day. Wonder what dose 2 will bring.
Day after my first Moderna - very sore arm, spiking up to 7 and then calming down, responds well to Advil. Definitely fatigued and mentally fuzzy. Not in the Oregon woods, but went downhill skiing today and was sooo sloooww. But, I'm functional and can get through my day. Wonder what dose 2 will bring.

A little arm pain is better than microbleeds in the brain from COVID I say 🙂
A little arm pain is better than microbleeds in the brain from COVID I say 🙂
Nahhh I'll take the microbleed.

haha j/k. I feel pretty close to normal, other than the arm pain and the relatively mild fatigue.
Update: felt completely fine on day 3! Glad to hear of so many people with few side effects. Hoping dose 2 doesn’t knock me out too badly
Could you expand on this?

I'll see if I can find the list on the neuro listserv about the neurological manifestations. But, peruse articles from JAMA and prominent cardiology, pulmonology, and neurology journals. There is a lot going on with this infection, and the real question is that considering that we're seeing pretty extensive damage in multiple systems, how much of it is reversible vs. permanent. Couple of the findings include microbleeds in the brain, lungs that look worse than a 20 year smoker, cardiomyopathy in healthy young people, etc.
First dose of Pfizer yesterday. Very mild soreness at injection site, plus some mild headache and overall body aches- basically indistinguishable from any other morning.

Yeah, I have a toddler, so trying to gauge normal fatigue from mild fatigue can be hard.
Day three - still mild fatigue here and mildly elevated temp. I don't have a toddler, but I do have extremely active older children who like to get up at an hour that no one should ever see. I thought we were wired to get up with the sun?? Anyway, I'm hoping my three days of fatigue mean that I had a very strong immune response to the first dose which leads to no reaction to the second haha
Day three - still mild fatigue here and mildly elevated temp. I don't have a toddler, but I do have extremely active older children who like to get up at an hour that no one should ever see. I thought we were wired to get up with the sun?? Anyway, I'm hoping my three days of fatigue mean that I had a very strong immune response to the first dose which leads to no reaction to the second haha

I'm hoping the same after a relatively mild reaction to the first dose.

Also, up with the sun? That's, like, 3 hours of lost productivity! Now going to bed with the sun, that I could potentially get on board with.
I got my second dose yesterday of Pfizer. Had a hell of a headache yesterday, but today just a little soreness in my arm.
I'm hoping the same after a relatively mild reaction to the first dose.

Also, up with the sun? That's, like, 3 hours of lost productivity! Now going to bed with the sun, that I could potentially get on board with.
shhh don't tell my kids that or they will start getting up at 3 instead of 5.
They totally would, I think.
Yeah, I have a toddler, so trying to gauge normal fatigue from mild fatigue can be hard.
I spent the day on zoom watching parents try to rein in over-active toddlers, so I vicariously feel your pain! I also have to do a 4 hour zoom class this evening with 2nd year students- widely considered the toddlers of graduate education.

Still no side effects other than a sore arm around the injection site.
Got my 2nd dose of Pfizer on Sunday. I woke up with chills, fever, fatigue, and aches in the middle of the night that varied throughout the course of the day yesterday.

Woke up today feeling fine, so just needed yesterday to recover from the immune response.
Received my first dose of Moderna yesterday at noon. At the 10 hour mark, I got a low grade fever and body aches. But the worst part: arm soreness! I cannot move my arm without extreme pain. Hoping it resolves before tomorrow when I return to in person work!
Got my second Modera dose yesterday. Mild headache and arm soreness after. Had an unusually restless night of sleep and woke up feeling fatigued and slightly sore all over but ibuprofen helped.
Four days after shot 1, I feel great! Probably all that extra sleep. Did a long run this morning. Now for shot 2.
Got the second shot of Pfizer-BioNTech yesterday morning. Throughout the day, I had fatigue, chills, and nausea, as well as a sore arm. I also ran a little hot but not enough where I felt the need to find a thermometer. Also didn't sleep too well overnight because of the discomfort, so now I can't tell if I'm tired because I couldn't sleep or because of vaccine-related fatigue. In any case, I hope this means that my immune system is doing a fine job.
Got the second shot of Pfizer-BioNTech yesterday morning. Throughout the day, I had fatigue, chills, and nausea, as well as a sore arm. I also ran a little hot but not enough where I felt the need to find a thermometer. Also didn't sleep too well overnight because of the discomfort, so now I can't tell if I'm tired because I couldn't sleep or because of vaccine-related fatigue. In any case, I hope this means that my immune system is doing a fine job.
Man...feel better. I just got my 2nd Pfizer shot an hour ago. Thanks for sharing. A reason to take it easy tonight. 😉

Edit: 24 hours post-injection. There's only muscle soreness at the injection site for me, but I did go to sleep early based on other's comments.
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Got the second shot of Pfizer-BioNTech yesterday morning. Throughout the day, I had fatigue, chills, and nausea, as well as a sore arm. I also ran a little hot but not enough where I felt the need to find a thermometer. Also didn't sleep too well overnight because of the discomfort, so now I can't tell if I'm tired because I couldn't sleep or because of vaccine-related fatigue. In any case, I hope this means that my immune system is doing a fine job.
I'm sorry to hear it & hope you feel better soon. I'm hoping that strong responses like that mean a good immune system which means immunity to covid. Some of the studies out of other countries seem to suggest this is likely. Hang in there.