CPJE December 2016 Test takers

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Did anyone take the CPJE recently? Just wanted to see how long it would take to get exam results... Anyone heard anything about potential, upcoming QA? I took mine on 12/9, by the way.

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Do you have any tips on how to study for the CPJE? I will be taking mines in Jan. Thanks a lot!
Did anyone take the CPJE recently? Just wanted to see how long it would take to get exam results... Anyone heard anything about potential, upcoming QA? I took mine on 12/9, by the way.
Hello! I took CPJE dec 13 and also wondering how long for results to come, where did you take it? I'm in the Bay Area, I dont think they are doing QA this time of year.
Do you have any tips on how to study for the CPJE? I will be taking mines in Jan. Thanks a lot!

I took my CPJE one week after my NAPLEX. During the week between my NAPLEX and CPJE, I reviewed law using RxPrep CPJE Review book and major clinical topics (i.e. DM, cardiovascular topics, ID) using the notes I had for NAPLEX. Looking back, I wish I had one more week to study for CPJE. I didn't quite feel ready for it.

Overall, I recommend studying for law thoroughly and try to memorize as much brand names as you can. I will post more study tips when I get my results! LOL
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Hello! I took CPJE dec 13 and also wondering how long for results to come, where did you take it? I'm in the Bay Area, I dont think they are doing QA this time of year.

I took mine in SoCal. :) I really hope there isn't one right now... I'll post an update when I get my result.
I looked up the thread last year since they didn't have a QA in December and I predict results will come out around Christmas time. There's a little bit of uncertainty when results were received for those who tested December 13-17 though..

Test date --> Results
Nov 18 --> Dec 10

Dec 5 --> Dec 26
Dec 10 --> Dec 26
Dec 12 --> Dec 26

Dec 18 --> Jan 11
Dec 20 --> Jan 14
I looked up the thread last year since they didn't have a QA in December and I predict results will come out around Christmas time. There's a little bit of uncertainty when results were received for those who tested December 13-17 though..

Test date --> Results
Nov 18 --> Dec 10

Dec 5 --> Dec 26
Dec 10 --> Dec 26
Dec 12 --> Dec 26

Dec 18 --> Jan 11
Dec 20 --> Jan 14
Did anybody call bop to make sure they don't have QA this month? I was reading not last year but the year before in 2014 they had a QA right in dec.. I am planning to call on Monday just to make sure!!
Did anybody call bop to make sure they don't have QA this month? I was reading not last year but the year before in 2014 they had a QA right in dec.. I am planning to call on Monday just to make sure!!

Yeah... I saw that too... I hope there isn't one scheduled this month!
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Yeah... I saw that too... I hope there isn't one scheduled this month!
I'm a foreign graduated just passed Naplex in November first attempt, but rate for fpg passing CPJE is so low !! Also my total 5 years time expires next April so hope if I didn't pass this time to get result soon so at least I get another attemp!! Anybody else in this situation? Please share results and tips on how to prepare, I found it super hard, too many resources and too little time! Have three kids under 4yo!!!
I looked up the thread last year since they didn't have a QA in December and I predict results will come out around Christmas time. There's a little bit of uncertainty when results were received for those who tested December 13-17 though..

Test date --> Results
Nov 18 --> Dec 10

Dec 5 --> Dec 26
Dec 10 --> Dec 26
Dec 12 --> Dec 26

Dec 18 --> Jan 11
Dec 20 --> Jan 14

Hello All!

I took mine 12/5 and haven't heard back yet. I am REALLY nervous. I had been practicing in Maryland in a very narrow inpatient specialty area and felt like many things were difficult purely because I haven't done outpatient in so long!! I hope I (and everyone else for that matter) passed.. otherwise I will lose my job :( Anyway, thank you to everyone who has been posting it has been very reassuring to read everyone's posts.

To ayuka001:
I studied rxprep focusing more on HIV, ID, DM and anticoag... I could've spent more time on HIV since I got several questions on different medications and regimens. I read the weissman book twice and that seemed sufficient. However, I must say that there were a couple questions that weren't addressed in the book and seemingly would only be able to be answered if you practiced in California. Hope that is helpful.

Fingers crossed everyone!
Hello everyone. I'm taking mine on the 28th. What's the best thing to do with 3 days left? I feel a bit overwhelmed...not sure if I'll remember everything or anything. I didn't have the Weissman book so I just read up whatever is available on the SBOP website like those self-assessments. Is that enough or should I consider postponing the test. Thanks.
Hello everyone. I'm taking mine on the 28th. What's the best thing to do with 3 days left? I feel a bit overwhelmed...not sure if I'll remember everything or anything. I didn't have the Weissman book so I just read up whatever is available on the SBOP website like those self-assessments. Is that enough or should I consider postponing the test. Thanks.
The self-assessment forms are pretty good coverage in my opinion. If you know those forms down to the details you should be okay for the handful of law questions there are. I have the Weissman book and I didn't really read the self-assessment forms but looking at them now I probably should have...
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Hello everyone. I'm taking mine on the 28th. What's the best thing to do with 3 days left? I feel a bit overwhelmed...not sure if I'll remember everything or anything. I didn't have the Weissman book so I just read up whatever is available on the SBOP website like those self-assessments. Is that enough or should I consider postponing the test. Thanks.
Review stuff like meds with or without food, light sensitive drugs, ARTs names, chemical names of drugs groups i.e. NRTs, NNRTs, for every chapter of rxprep if you have that. Also short stability drugs, interactions, black box warning .. I know it's a lot. Review specific things for as many drugs as you can! Good luck!!
Oh man I just finished taking it. It didn't feel hard but I did encounter a computer problem. When I was around question 25 or so I clicked "next" and it skipped 2 questions. I freaked out and lost my focus for a little while. I didn't report this until after the exam and they said I should report this to the Board. Anyone know what I should do or what the board would do?
WTF California? Other states respond in 3 days or less. It's a computer based test with a known fail mark. It shouldn't take more than 5 min to respond. ****ing bureaucrats wasting others time and not giving a ****.
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what's everybody doing in the meanwhile? I know some are working as pharmacists out of state but what about the californians? anyone intern-ing? waiting to apply for jobs? I feel financially pressured to start working so I think I'm going to have to consider options outside of california. especially since the licensing seems much speedier out of state..
Did anyone take the CPJE recently? Just wanted to see how long it would take to get exam results... Anyone heard anything about potential, upcoming QA? I took mine on 12/9, by the way.
Did you get your result yet? I took mine 12/7, no result yet.
Was hoping for today but nothing in the mail. Last time they sent results for cpje was mid November! Hopefully next week.. :shrug:
Good luck to those waiting and me as well even though I took it last week.
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I have been told that you can call and get the board to verbally give you your score. Does anyone know anything about this?
what's everybody doing in the meanwhile? I know some are working as pharmacists out of state but what about the californians? anyone intern-ing? waiting to apply for jobs? I feel financially pressured to start working so I think I'm going to have to consider options outside of california. especially since the licensing seems much speedier out of state..

I got licensed in another state, but am currently in California, unemployed. LOL I really hope we hear back this week. Just can't wait to start working and make some $$$!
I received a letter today stating that PSI has confirmed that I have taken the exam and that the Board of Pharmacy would respond in 30 days. (Took exam 12/5) Does anyone know if this means another 30 days, making 60 days total?
I received a letter today stating that PSI has confirmed that I have taken the exam and that the Board of Pharmacy would respond in 30 days. (Took exam 12/5) Does anyone know if this means another 30 days, making 60 days total?
Is it the same letter that they gave you at the test center right after the exam? That seems super weird I don't think it means another 30 days! When is the letter dated?
Is it the same letter that they gave you at the test center right after the exam? That seems super weird I don't think it means another 30 days! When is the letter dated?
It doesn't have a date on the letter. I am actually not sure if it is the same as what they gave me after the exam... I think I blocked out the whole experience LOL. It has my test date with my photo in the upper right corner and other personal information.
It doesn't have a date on the letter. I am actually not sure if it is the same as what they gave me after the exam... I think I blocked out the whole experience LOL. It has my test date with my photo in the upper right corner and other personal information.
That sounds like the one they give you right after the exam.
Hi everyone! I am desperately awaiting the results from 12/5. I have a job lined up that cannot wait much longer for the results. I am SO nervous. If anyone has ANY information on when the results will be coming out, please post here. I called the board and they are still being vague about it.
Hi everyone! I am desperately awaiting the results from 12/5. I have a job lined up that cannot wait much longer for the results. I am SO nervous. If anyone has ANY information on when the results will be coming out, please post here. I called the board and they are still being vague about it.
The lady I spoke to from the board sound really sure that we wouldn't see results for 50 days (minimum)
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Hi everyone! I am desperately awaiting the results from 12/5. I have a job lined up that cannot wait much longer for the results. I am SO nervous. If anyone has ANY information on when the results will be coming out, please post here. I called the board and they are still being vague about it.
I also called this morning and the guy just said results are not been sent out yet and he had no idea on when they will mail results. He confirmed again no QA in process.
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The lady I spoke to from the board sound really sure that we wouldn't see results for 50 days (minimum)
Earliest available test date was Dec 3 IIRC. 50 days would be Jan 22. That falls in line with the pattern, I think. Results this past year came out around July/September/November 20th +/- a few days.
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I ended up taking the CPJE in December and still waiting for results...this is the second time I am taking it. I felt the first time I took the CPJE it was very basic and I got out pretty quickly; however, I managed to not pass. When I took it in December the exam seemed much harder and I used up the entire time to complete it. Checked some questions after and I made a few mistakes on even some of the most basic questions...Afraid that I got the tester questions correct and the ones that will be graded incorrect. I am feeling extremely nervous this time around and having to wait for the results is killing me...
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I ended up taking the CPJE in December and still waiting for results...this is the second time I am taking it. I felt the first time I took the CPJE it was very basic and I got out pretty quickly; however, I managed to not pass. When I took it in December the exam seemed much harder and I used up the entire time to complete it. Checked some questions after and I made a few mistakes on even some of the most basic questions...Afraid that I got the tester questions correct and the ones that will be graded incorrect. I am feeling extremely nervous this time around and having to wait for the results is killing me...
How did you prepare the first time and what did you change for the second attempt? Please share any extra resource you used for the second test. I also left test center feeling like I was not gonna pass and waiting so long is so frustrating! Trying to figure out already what to use/study for second attempt!
Thank you and good luck to all of us.
How did you prepare the first time and what did you change for the second attempt? Please share any extra resource you used for the second test. I also left test center feeling like I was not gonna pass and waiting so long is so frustrating! Trying to figure out already what to use/study for second attempt!
Thank you and good luck to all of us.
For first attempt I had actually taken the NAPLEX and was so stressed about my grade but found out 4 days later that I passed...so I ended up studying for the CPJE for about 1.5 weeks and that studying included going over the material I used for NAPLEX (rxprep), also the weissman blue book and the cpje book from rxprep which was a 2015 version. so going into the exam my first time everything was all mixed in my head as I did not prepare well enough and finished the exam in 1 hour. For my second attempt I used the rxprep again and actually went over it very slowly and made sure to understand everything (didnt do math), use weissman and also this time i bought the cpje 2016 version of the law and it actually helped bc I saw more questions from the cpje 2016 rxprep book. i felt more well prepared the second time around and even took my time for the exam but still i managed to mess up a few basic questions that i think are graded...
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For first attempt I had actually taken the NAPLEX and was so stressed about my grade but found out 4 days later that I passed...so I ended up studying for the CPJE for about 1.5 weeks and that studying included going over the material I used for NAPLEX (rxprep), also the weissman blue book and the cpje book from rxprep which was a 2015 version. so going into the exam my first time everything was all mixed in my head as I did not prepare well enough and finished the exam in 1 hour. For my second attempt I used the rxprep again and actually went over it very slowly and made sure to understand everything (didnt do math), use weissman and also this time i bought the cpje 2016 version of the law and it actually helped bc I saw more questions from the cpje 2016 rxprep book. i felt more well prepared the second time around and even took my time for the exam but still i managed to mess up a few basic questions that i think are graded...
Thank you!
And how long did it take for retake application to go through? Meaning if I failed dec. test and send retake application right away when will I be able to sit for second attempt?,
Thank you!
And how long did it take for retake application to go through? Meaning if I failed dec. test and send retake application right away when will I be able to sit for second attempt?,
you will get it within 90 days bc you can sit for the exam 90 days after you sat for your first one
I took mine on Dec. 31st and have not received results yet. I live in Atlanta, GA. Will probably have to wait another 2-3 weeks.
Has anyone tried calling today? A friend of mine said he called and was asked to be given his social so the person can check if it's been mailed out for him. Im too scared to call and check...
Has anyone tried calling today? A friend of mine said he called and was asked to be given his social so the person can check if it's been mailed out for him. Im too scared to call and check...
Just called. I asked if results for early December have been mailed out and the lady said no. She didn't ask me social to check, she said maybe next week but she can't promise that as she really doesn't know. Seems like every phone call gets different answer, this is driving me insane!! Pls post any news you guys get.
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Wow CA BOP is ridiculous! Do they not know that a bunch of people are waiting for their results. I'm anxiously waiting and it's driving me insane. I don't even know what to tell myself anymore. Sighs

Thank you guys for calling!