CSPM anyone

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Nov 25, 2006
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CSPM class of 2011 anyone?
I'm sold on Samuel Merritt🙂
anyone else on here planning on going to CSPM?

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What were you selling point on CSPM compared to other pod schools? I would like to interview at the california school next year...I heard they made some good changes. Did they have some problems in the past before/right after the merger with Samuel Meritt? Please let me know what you think.
What were you selling point on CSPM compared to other pod schools? I would like to interview at the california school next year...I heard they made some good changes. Did they have some problems in the past before/right after the merger with Samuel Meritt? Please let me know what you think.

the faculty members (basic science and DPMS) were very chill and helpful. The small class size and curriculum. The location for sure, it is not as ghetto people say it is. They did have problem in the past during the merger but have seemed to smoothed out the bumps and things are going smoothly. The value student opinions and student feedback is critical to the faculty and curriculum. I absolutely loved it! Dr Tran is pretty cool guy. if you have any more questions just PM me.. 🙂
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