CSPM-POD Residency

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10+ Year Member
Feb 1, 2012
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I recently got accepted into CSPM. I know its not as prestigious as Scholl or Temple but is it still possible to get a high-ranked residency even if someone attends CSPM?

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I recently got accepted into CSPM. I know its not as prestigious as Scholl or Temple but is it still possible to get a high-ranked residency even if someone attends CSPM?

Getting a high-ranked residency will depend almost completely on your performance in classes, boards, and clerkships. It will depend almost 0% on prestige (unless you're somehow banking on a residency director being an alumnus from your school).
Getting a high-ranked residency will depend almost completely on your performance in classes, boards, and clerkships. It will depend almost 0% on prestige (unless you're somehow banking on a residency director being an alumnus from your school).
So, even if I attend CSPM, and let's say if I'm the top 20% of my class, pass my boards, do well in my clerkships I should still be able to get a top tier residency?
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I go to Scholll, there is no prestige. Work hard at externships, be early, leave late, sound intelligent, be motivated, show interest, and most important show progress. Do these things and you can land any residency you want.