CSULA PCPHP 2020-2021

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Jun 8, 2020
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Noticed there’s no new thread for CSULA this year and decided to make one. Was accepted to the Record Enhancer program! Anyone else attending? And is anyone else confused on how to accept the admission offer? I signed up for an orientation date, logged into GET, and now awaiting to hear any updates from the program department about enrollment dates, etc.

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Noticed there’s no new thread for CSULA this year and decided to make one. Was accepted to the Record Enhancer program! Anyone else attending? And is anyone else confused on how to accept the admission offer? I signed up for an orientation date, logged into GET, and now awaiting to hear any updates from the program department about enrollment dates, etc.
Hello, I was just accepted to the career changer cohort. I am also confused on how to accept the offer. When I emailed Moises he just said that tuition is due before classes start. I didn't sign up for an orientation date yet since I'm not sure if I want to do this program.
Hello, I was just accepted to the career changer cohort. I am also confused on how to accept the offer. When I emailed Moises he just said that tuition is due before classes start. I didn't sign up for an orientation date yet since I'm not sure if I want to do this program.
I was reading that the first payment of fall tuition is due in July, so hopefully the confusion clears up before then. Wish they’re a lot more thorough in their emails :/ sent Moises an email recently so I’ll let you know if there’s any useful info if you’re interested!
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I was accepted into the Career Changer option as well. I agree with you both -- it's not clear what steps are necessary to accept the offer. It's also not clear when we would need to make our decision by. Similar to mintydaisy, I am unsure about accepting this offer since I am currently leaning towards another program. Hopefully they find a way to clear up this confusion for everyone.
I was accepted into the Career Changer option as well. I agree with you both -- it's not clear what steps are necessary to accept the offer. It's also not clear when we would need to make our decision by. Similar to mintydaisy, I am unsure about accepting this offer since I am currently leaning towards another program. Hopefully they find a way to clear up this confusion for everyone.
Yes, I'm still confused. I did talk to a student who did the CSULA program and she made it sound horrible. I personally dont think it was the program but rather her as a person. It seemed like the courseload was too much for her.

I hope that they clear it up too. CSULA is so much cheaper than the other post baccs so it's still an option for me.
Yes, I'm still confused. I did talk to a student who did the CSULA program and she made it sound horrible. I personally dont think it was the program but rather her as a person. It seemed like the courseload was too much for her.

I hope that they clear it up too. CSULA is so much cheaper than the other post baccs so it's still an option for me.
I don't think I'm going to accept it. They don't have any premed or health specific advisor for the program right now which is a huge red flag. It is cheaper and closer to my home, but i fear that I won't do well in the program.I also spoke with someone who did it and she had a really bad experience.
I don't think I'm going to accept it. They don't have any premed or health specific advisor for the program right now which is a huge red flag. It is cheaper and closer to my home, but i fear that I won't do well in the program.I also spoke with someone who did it and she had a really bad experience.
Dang, that's unfortunate because I heard good things about their former HCAO advisor too. I wonder what happened there...I think I'll still move forward with the program and receive my pre-health advising from my undergrad university since I just need to get my GPA up. I'm a bit nervous about procuring LORs for the next cycle since Fall 2020 is most likely online.
Dang, that's unfortunate because I heard good things about their former HCAO advisor too. I wonder what happened there...I think I'll still move forward with the program and receive my pre-health advising from my undergrad university since I just need to get my GPA up. I'm a bit nervous about procuring LORs for the next cycle since Fall 2020 is most likely online.

I was accepted to the academic enhancer program too! One of my faculty LOR for the applicaiton was actually from a professor I was studying under who had to move his course from in-person to online, so I think that as long as you keep your presence online (don't just lurk during lecture and only do well on exams like I did in the past) it should be fine to get a LOR from any professor. I was able to get an appointment with Ameinah for counseling since it looks like their normal appointment portal is down... I don't see a balance yet on my student account so also not so sure if I am officially part of the program yet. But I'm planning on moving forward with the program too.
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