Current job market

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Oct 1, 2021
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A friend texted me yesterday asking if I know any job openings. He said he finished his residency last year and have been looking for a job for almost a year now. Is the job market this saturated? Anyone having same issue?

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the job market is super saturated but im surprised your residency-trained friend hasn't found a job in a year. ive seen hundreds of new grads (no residency) go jobless for years and venture into different career paths. i have a feeling your friend is being picky with the type of job he/she is applying for. tell your friend to apply to all eligible part-time and full-time jobs, not the ones he/she thinks looks good... the longer your friend goes unemployed, the harder it'll be.
Not sure about the pharmacist market, but isn't CVS giving out sign-on bonus everywhere?
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CVS and WG been doing 50k sign ons for close to 6 months. If you can qualify for pslf forget retail even with the 50k lump
That's the last place any pharmacist wants to work, but better than nothing if you have bills to pay.
Honestly I will sell my body & soul to retail chains if I have no luck on the job market. That's better than no job for almost a year...sometimes a steady source of income brings a lot more than a paycheck. It builds resume and confidence during tough days.
Honestly I will sell my body & soul to retail chains if I have no luck on the job market. That's better than no job for almost a year...sometimes a steady source of income brings a lot more than a paycheck. It builds resume and confidence during tough days.

That's what most people do. Took me 4 years to get out. It was miserable but I was able to pay off my loans and save a down payment for a house.
Agreed with others on retail. Not sure about hospital but the chains in my area are offering sign on bonus, student loan reimbursement, and higher salaries than I expected to ever see. I recently negotiated a ~20% raise because we're having a hard time recruiting and retaining staff.
It can’t be so saturated that Walgreens and CVS have been experiencing a mass exodus of pharmacists for months now. At my employer , here in south Florida , pharmacists have been leaving left and right and some have been with the company over a decade . Many are finding jobs within weeks . I’ve never seen anything like it . My employer barely has pharmacists at this point and constant emails are sent out looking for rph coverage . Pharmacies have unpredictable hours , they’re closed , reduced hours, etc due to no pharmacist . Many pharmacists are finding positions in non-retail settings so I don’t think it’s as saturated or no one would jump ship so quickly . If anything, now is the time to start looking for a better pharmacist job since we have more leverage now . Just my opinion from what I’m seeing at the two largest pharmacy chains .
We have openings that we can't find quality applicants for, quantity yes, quality with hospital experience = no
I don’t want to hijack this thread but where are all the ambulatory care jobs at? Are there any options in the South East?