DAT and Orgo Spectroscopy?

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7+ Year Member
May 22, 2016
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Hey guys!

Of you all who have taken the DAT, how often do IR/NMR spectroscopy problems show up? IR is pretty straight forward but NMR is kind of confusing and I don't really understand it. Any tips or links to helpful material would be appreciated!

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It's much more simpler than my orgo class I think. The DAT just wants you to know amines, alcohols, and carbonyl's for the IR. HNMR you don't really need to memorize the ppm shifts
My problem is that I have only taken Orgo 2 lecture and the lab will be in the upcoming fall. I haven't been able to fully grasp the concept yet and In my opinion, Chads explanation on NMR kind of didn't do me justice. I'll be checking the study guide that @DMikes just posted. Any other tips will be great!