DAT Bootcamp QR question

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7+ Year Member
Mar 5, 2014
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So im confused by this question if anyone could help me that would be great. The answer says that from the origin to the top of the minor axis forms a 3-4-5 triangle. If the origin is x=4 then the minor axis is y=6, how does that make any sense for it to be a 3-4-5 triangle? Or am i missing something all together?

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  • Screen Shot 2014-03-26 at 12.41.22 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2014-03-26 at 12.41.22 PM.png
    78 KB · Views: 195
I feel as though some of the bootcamp questions are out of scope of what you will see on the dat. That's what I have been told from many of my friends who took the test and used bootcamp
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Take a look at this:

I think you are confused about the definition of the minor axis. The minor axis is the whole minor length of the y.

Here's a picture to help you out:


  • 3-4-5.png
    13.2 KB · Views: 164
such a dumb mistake.. the entire minor axis is 6. meaning half of it is 3. 3-4-5.. makes sense. and since the hyp is 5 that means the hyp on the other side is 5.. a distance total of 10. and cause its a parabola the distance is always the same when reflected to either foci.. so if its 7, that means the remainder has to be 3. right? haha
such a dumb mistake.. the entire minor axis is 6. meaning half of it is 3. 3-4-5.. makes sense. and since the hyp is 5 that means the hyp on the other side is 5.. a distance total of 10. and cause its a parabola the distance is always the same when reflected to either foci.. so if its 7, that means the remainder has to be 3. right? haha

You got it! :bow:
i still don't see how you will find the total distance that the ray travels even if you know that's a 3-4-5 triangle!!!!
I've never heard of anybody having an ellipse question on their DAT
i still don't see how you will find the total distance that the ray travels even if you know that's a 3-4-5 triangle!!!!
I've never heard of anybody having an ellipse question on their DAT
I had one on mine, and they were a hot topic last year judging by the amount of people complaining about ellipse questions. The chance of them showing up may be small, so it may be worth the risk to skip them and guess. However, if you're trying to score extremely high I'd say it's worth understanding.
i still don't see how you will find the total distance that the ray travels even if you know that's a 3-4-5 triangle!!!!
I've never heard of anybody having an ellipse question on their DAT

Knowing it's a 3,4,5 triangle is key. Take a look at 10verdrive's diagram. According to the problem the AO line is 4 and OB is also 4. The OX line length (in 10verdrive's diagram) is 3. Knowing this AXO is a 3-4-5 triangle. Ok so you already know that. Here's the thing, since line OB is also 4 means that from X to B is also 5 (BXO is just a reflection of AXO). Making the AXB line a total distance of 10 (AX + XB = 5 + 5 = 10). If line AB does not change at all then moving X anywhere along the ellipse still results in a AXB line length of 10. One line may be a lot longer than the other but the total distance is still 10. Now lets move X to the Q position as in the original problem. The AQB line still has a length of 10 and if AQ is 7 (as provided in the original problem) then QB has to be 3. I hope this helps.
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