DAT done 7-17

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Dec 1, 2007
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Hi everyone! I just took the Dat for the first time yesterday and I'm not too pleased with my scores. I'm going to apply with them anyways. I want to go to VCU as an instate applicant. What do you all think?

Bio 16:(
GC 20
OC 19
PAT 21
RC 21
QR 15:(

TS 18
AA 18

I thought I was going to do a lot better in Bio, I don't know what happened there. QR I just didn't have enough time! Overall, the test wasn't as hard as I thought, I luckily didn't get frapped. I used kaplan for OC and GC and used a textbook for bio, but that obviously wasn't a good choice. I really don't want to retake, but should I? I have a 3.95 overall and a 3.92 science from 2 yrs at CC and one at a 4 year. Thanks for any opinions!

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You may have a shot at your in-state school, but probably not at many private schools. Keep in mind though, this is a generalization and depends on other parts of your application (LOR, EC, etc.) Your TS and AA are decent so some schools may overlook the two bad sections.

But I think you did a pretty good job. I take all the great scores on here with a grain of salt. Look at the national averages. You are above them in several categories.
Hi everyone! I just took the Dat for the first time yesterday and I'm not too pleased with my scores. I'm going to apply with them anyways. I want to go to VCU as an instate applicant. What do you all think?

Bio 16:(
GC 20
OC 19
PAT 21
RC 21
QR 15:(

TS 18
AA 18

I thought I was going to do a lot better in Bio, I don't know what happened there. QR I just didn't have enough time! Overall, the test wasn't as hard as I thought, I luckily didn't get frapped. I used kaplan for OC and GC and used a textbook for bio, but that obviously wasn't a good choice. I really don't want to retake, but should I? I have a 3.95 overall and a 3.92 science from 2 yrs at CC and one at a 4 year. Thanks for any opinions!

You can apply and you may get an interview. However you have a low AA and a low TS and 2 very low scores. The bio is gonna be a killer. You may get an interview you may not, however i would suggest a retake. Apply and just dont tell them that you are retaking and if you do better, then you can update your application. However if you write that you are going o retake they will not consider your applicatuion until after you retake.