DAT/OAT Study Material For Sale !!

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Full Member
10+ Year Member
Dec 1, 2010
Reaction score
(I took Kaplan in 2010)
These books are compatible for both DAT and/or OAT since the only difference between the two tests are that DAT has PAT and OAT has physics

the COMPLETE KAPLAN SET of books that gets shipped to you when you take the Kaplan DAT/OAT course which includes:

DAT Review Notes: very thick (textbook-like) book (lots of info and problems in it)
DAT Lesson Book (info and problems)
Laminated Quick Review Sheets for QR, PAT, GC, OC, and Bio
Flashcards that covers: QR, GC, OC, Bio, Physics (for OAT)

Just pm me if you are interested. we can talk about the price then

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Hello! I am very interested in your offer! Is it still available?