dating dental hygiene/assistant students as a dental student? your take?

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Nov 6, 2007
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The thought of dating dental hygiene/assistant students as a dental student came to my mind as I eagerly await for my acceptance. Many ppl here agree that dating a fellow dental student is not cool b/c it will develop hard feelings if the relationship doesn't go right. What's your take on dating dental hygiene/assistant students as a dental student? I thought it's a good thing since most dental hygiene students are attractive, smart, and understanding the hardship of dentistry. I am not sure how closely dental students work with dental hygiene students in school, so I am not sure whether it would have the same negative effect on dating dental students. :)

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At my school there is no hygiene school. If there was, I doubt we would really work with them much. That is all you need, a hygienist who doesn't know what he or she is doing led by a dental student that doesn't really know what he or she is doing...

If you can find one that wants to date you, go for it...I don't think anyone would care and it probably won't have to many negative effects.
Many ppl here agree that dating a fellow dental student is not cool b/c it will develop hard feelings if the relationship doesn't go right.

Don't know where you heard this but almost every class at every school will have several couples form within it (and there's usually a marriage every year or so...) True, there are just as high rates of divorce as the regular population, but classmates going through the same intense process of dental school tend to sleep together. ;)

Dental assisting and hygiene schools tend to be in community colleges since one is a certificate and the other is an associates degree. The assistants and RDHs at dental schools tend to be long-time veterans of the field and are fellow teachers and guides for the dental students right along with professors. So I doubt there's a big chance for a dating environment there.

But no reason not to...I believe one of my classmates is already married to a hygienist.
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We have a hygiene school but I don't think I have ever seen the students. They are kept on separate floors from us. Since the programs are so separate I don't see what the problem would be with dating except that I would choose my dates based on whether or not I like them over their academic program. But that is just me.

I don't think we have an assistant program but I was at the greater new york dental conference the other day and did witness one assistant shouting to another across the booth aisle, "Jane, did you get the free samples from the Crest show!?" and was deeply embarrassed that we both had the same orange colored "student" tags on.
I don't think we have an assistant program but I was at the greater new york dental conference the other day and did witness one assistant shouting to another across the booth aisle, "Jane, did you get the free samples from the Crest show!?" and was deeply embarrassed that we both had the same orange colored "student" tags on.

Deeply embarrassed to be associated with an assisting student? Watch that arrogance; there's plenty in the dental field as it is.
Deeply embarrassed to be associated with an assisting student? Watch that arrogance; there's plenty in the dental field as it is.

No, no it was just the fact that they were running around the conference yelling out to their friends where the freebies were at.
Not trying to be a jerk, but what is your deal? You keep putting up these posts about dating in dental school. Comes across as really desperate... Dental school is like anywhere else. If you have success with women normally, you'll be fine in school too.
No, no it was just the fact that they were running around the conference yelling out to their friends where the freebies were at.

all dental students I've met flood to wherever there is free stuff. "lunch and learns", Crest give-outs, free happy hours, etc. :thumbup:
A D4 friend of mine is dating a hygiene student right now. I don't see a problem with it unless the two people work together. Essentially, they go to different schools. They just happen to be in the same building.
all dental students I've met flood to wherever there is free stuff. "lunch and learns", Crest give-outs, free happy hours, etc. :thumbup:

It wasn't the fact that they were interested in obtaining free stuff, it was the manner with which they went about doing it.

I should also mention that they cut in line in front of me at the crest booth and I may be harboring negative feelings. :D
The thought of dating dental hygiene/assistant students as a dental student came to my mind as I eagerly await for my acceptance. Many ppl here agree that dating a fellow dental student is not cool b/c it will develop hard feelings if the relationship doesn't go right. What's your take on dating dental hygiene/assistant students as a dental student? I thought it's a good thing since most dental hygiene students are attractive, smart, and understanding the hardship of dentistry. I am not sure how closely dental students work with dental hygiene students in school, so I am not sure whether it would have the same negative effect on dating dental students. :)

Im currently dating a hygiene student as a 4th yr dental student. Let me tell you that it can actually be a hassle sometimes. When you see each other the whole day off and on, it makes things a little less fulfilling than if I were dating someone from outside the DB (which I had experience with a few years back).
Im currently dating a hygiene student as a 4th yr dental student. Let me tell you that it can actually be a hassle sometimes. When you see each other the whole day off and on, it makes things a little less fulfilling than if I were dating someone from outside the DB (which I had experience with a few years back).

Yeah, but it could mean cheap labor later on... :p
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Not trying to be a jerk, but what is your deal? You keep putting up these posts about dating in dental school. Comes across as really desperate... Dental school is like anywhere else. If you have success with women normally, you'll be fine in school too.

I kind of have to agree completely. AceDentist, SDN and dental school won't magically solve any boyfriend/girlfriend issues. Don't wait for dental school for all your hookups to occur...You may be unpleasantly surprised that your appeal will be no different.
The thought of dating dental hygiene/assistant students as a dental student came to my mind as I eagerly await for my acceptance. Many ppl here agree that dating a fellow dental student is not cool b/c it will develop hard feelings if the relationship doesn't go right. What's your take on dating dental hygiene/assistant students as a dental student? I thought it's a good thing since most dental hygiene students are attractive, smart, and understanding the hardship of dentistry. I am not sure how closely dental students work with dental hygiene students in school, so I am not sure whether it would have the same negative effect on dating dental students. :)

Ace you are sounding a little creepy dude.

Here is my advice based on what I have read from your posts... take it any way you like.

Make sure you lose your virginity prior to matriculating to dental school... You wouldn't want any awkward 1st-time embarrassing moments being announced. Word spreads like wildfire in school!

Work hard, study hard, play hard. Be nice to your classmates, don't be too sticky and don't come on too strong. Be respectful to your professors and don't be a deuchebag to those around you and that is usually enough to get you through.
Ace you are sounding a little creepy dude.

Here is my advice based on what I have read from your posts... take it any way you like.

Make sure you lose your virginity prior to matriculating to dental school... You wouldn't want any awkward 1st-time embarrassing moments being announced. Word spreads like wildfire in school!

Work hard, study hard, play hard. Be nice to your classmates, don't be too sticky and don't come on too strong. Be respectful to your professors and don't be a deuchebag to those around you and that is usually enough to get you through.

Funny enough, there was a guy in my class who was a virgin and came off like a total tool (not to mention extremely insecure). He eventually (and amazingly) got married and I swear it was like a light switch with his personality (for the better). Getting some really makes a difference :idea:. Just an aside...I echo Bifid's sound advice :thumbup:...
Yeah, but it could mean cheap labor later on... :p
cheap labour?? that's not what you do... If you hire your wife/ girlfriend as a hygienist... you OVER pay her.... ... that way you have less money going into your company... and less taxes to pay...
guys who put limitation on dating fellow students, are guys who have weak game. :p...seriously, what does it matter who a person dates? its their own prerogative
cheap labour?? that's not what you do... If you hire your wife/ girlfriend as a hygienist... you OVER pay her.... ... that way you have less money going into your company... and less taxes to pay...

I like the cut of your jib.
You know you'll most likely score with these girls because a lot of them come to hygiene school looking to marry a rich dentist and get their MRS. degree. When we first started dental school it was like a feeding frenzy as the hygiene girls tried to hook themselves a man while at the same time being completely horrible to the female dental students (AKA their more educated, older, more successful "competition"). If you really want to find a girl in dental school, then date your equal, another dental student! Maybe just date someone in a different year.
You know you'll most likely score with these girls because a lot of them come to hygiene school looking to marry a rich dentist and get their MRS. degree. When we first started dental school it was like a feeding frenzy as the hygiene girls tried to hook themselves a man while at the same time being completely horrible to the female dental students (AKA their more educated, older, more successful "competition"). If you really want to find a girl in dental school, then date your equal, another dental student! Maybe just date someone in a different year.

I agree. This hygiene girls that work for my shadowed dentist have a reputation of hating pre-dent students that shadowed him, especially girls.
But of course, not everyone are the same
But i just hateeeeeeee jealousy
We have a hygiene school but I don't think I have ever seen the students. They are kept on separate floors from us. Since the programs are so separate I don't see what the problem would be with dating except that I would choose my dates based on whether or not I like them over their academic program. But that is just me.

I don't think we have an assistant program but I was at the greater new york dental conference the other day and did witness one assistant shouting to another across the booth aisle, "Jane, did you get the free samples from the Crest show!?" and was deeply embarrassed that we both had the same orange colored "student" tags on.

I just wanted to add that at NYUCD hygiene students and dental students start working from D3 on and that they are not kept on separate floors!
No hygiene students around Buffalo. So no need to worry about that. I walked into Alumni Arena during volleyball practice....

....they sucked last year! 2W-31L!!
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