Dating your classmate - Experiences

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Dec 5, 2019
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I’d like to know if anyone out there has gone through the experience of being in a relationship with a classmate and what was that like?

Whether it’s good, or bad, please share!

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I’d like to know if anyone out there has gone through the experience of being in a relationship with a classmate and what was that like?

Whether it’s good, or bad, please share!
Much like dating someone in the workplace, you have to be very careful and use good judgement. I would not recommend it.
Best relationship of my life - also the biggest heartbreak of my life.
We can very much relate, still in it but I noticed the relationship is a lot more difficult compared to previous relationships. At least seeing your girl all the time at school, doing pretty much everything together. It can become toxic at a point when she doesn’t stop complaining about how much she’s stressin
Nothing worse than your girl complaining over and over again but still gets through the program at the end of the day. These girls be nagging for no reason whatsoever, just to make your life more stressful
Much like dating someone in the workplace, you have to be very careful and use good judgement. I would not recommend it.
Why not recommend? I think it depends a lot on the school environment too as well as the student body. it does make it so much worse when people can see your business knowing two people stopped dating while one didn’t want to be with the other and then you see/hear about your now-ex getting close to someone else.
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Date a nurse or a school teacher. You’ll be much happier.
Both are good professions. But they are still very hard jobs. My son’s 7th grade math teacher’s husband is a nurse. We became good friends because my son was one of her favorite students. They recently bought a $1.3 million house. The couple has no kid. The teacher hardly sees her husband because he works all the time. Most nurses have 10-12 hour working shifts. The average salary is around $40 an hour so to make $100k+, they have to work more than 4 days/wk. It’s a tough life if you have kids.

It’s not easy to find a full time job as a teacher, especially at a public school, where one can get all the good benefits. The math teacher whom I mentioned above had to work as a math TA for a year before she could get a full time job….and it’s at a private school where the pay is not as good as the job at a public school.
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Much like dating someone in the workplace, you have to be very careful and use good judgement. I would not recommend it.

If they had that, they wouldn’t pursue it in the first place 😏.

Major chance of break up and the inevitable sides that may be taken by mutual friends, and the fact that you may have rotations together etc.

Depending on the person they can really derail your rotations etc by complaining to certain staff members or teachers about something that is completely unprovable, putting you on the defensive
I dated my wife through school (same program, same year). We were married shortly after graduation, went into practice together two months later (start-up). We practiced together for thirty-one years until she retired and have been married forty-one years this September.
Only if it was towards the end of dental school. Be realistic, there's a good chance you will break up. So if you start dating at the start of dental school, and break up, you have years of seeing that person every day. You will have no way to escape it. It will be the worst mistake of your life.

Ask me how I know...
Share your experience with us, would love to hear some details
Its the combo of online classes so work life and home life completely blend together and offer no escape... No ability to really separate school from work from home from your relationship which meant that the stress of one completely bled over into the other. I truly never got a break for even a minute from anything and it was honestly the most stressful year of my life. Worst of all I still have to deal with that person constantly.
Its the combo of online classes so work life and home life completely blend together and offer no escape... No ability to really separate school from work from home from your relationship which meant that the stress of one completely bled over into the other. I truly never got a break for even a minute from anything and it was honestly the most stressful year of my life. Worst of all I still have to deal with that person constantly.

Same reason you should be room-mates with people you can tolerate but NOT your friends/friend group.

You need to be able to chill alone to regroup
I’d like to know if anyone out there has gone through the experience of being in a relationship with a classmate and what was that like?

Whether it’s good, or bad, please share!

The correct answer should be “it depends”. No one can tell you that it would work or not in your specific situation.

I personally wouldn’t do it. The risk of a break up would open a Pandora’s box to keep going to school and see/avoid your ex every day in the same class. I was having a blast with my single friends every weekend during d school, and I wouldn’t want to miss out on that. But to each his own. Approach it with caution.
It all depends on the person. Anything can work if it's the right person. I wouldn't be afraid of the risks. To me, the risks do not outweigh what could become of it.
The dentist that I have been working for, they started dating in dental school. The wife was D1, the husband wasD2 when they started dating. They were a VERY happily married couple , with two sons, travelling the world all the time. I was so jealous of them ! If yoj like each other, why not?! & plz don’t look for opinions here . From my experience 99.9% of people are full of negativity here!
Didn’t work out. But I would have still done it a thousands over.
Besides of casual flings and short-term dating, in my class there were only 2 people that were in a serious relationship with each other. They've been together since D1 year and they were planning for their future together including practice ownership. After graduation, the girl started working while the guy moved away for specialty training so they did long distance, the guy went back every once in a while to visit his gf. Just a few months later, the girl got a message from a woman who said that she and the dentist guy matched on a dating app, they dated and then entered an "exclusive relationship," or so she thought. This new woman was suspicious because every time the guy went back home he never called or texted her, so she searched for his social media and found photos of him and his long-term girlfriend. The dentist girlfriend dumped his cheating a**. That's the end of the story of the only couple in my class.