December 2014 QA for cpje , test takers

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May 17, 2011
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hey guys,

I just wanted to create a thread for all of those who have taken their cpje or will be taking their cpje during Dec QA. Lets update our status here. I took mine in December and hope to get result sooner and don't have to wait till feb. Omg
Anyone took their cpje recently and how did u feel about it?

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CPJE is the worst fking exam I ever took. I ended up getting a 84 on it but I still felt like I failed after taking it and had difficulty eatting/sleeping during that 1 month snail mail wait
I just just took my CPJE last Thursday and my Naplex on December 5 (still waiting for my Naplex
results). I am a California grad but my application got pushed back because I was finishing up a dual masters/pharmd this past summer. I honestly don't know what to make of the CPJE. On the one hand I thought certain questions were very easy but I also got a lot of questions where I had to do my best to make some educated guesses. I had a very hospital focused exam. I work retail so it was a bit challenging for me. I think those who were stuck in the December QA last year received their results sometime in February if I'm not mistaken. Crossing my fingers!

hey guys,

I just wanted to create a thread for all of those who have taken their cpje or will be taking their cpje during Dec QA. Lets update our status here. I took mine in December and hope to get result sooner and don't have to wait till feb. Omg
Anyone took their cpje recently and how did u feel about it?
CPJE is the worst fking exam I ever took. I ended up getting a 84 on it but I still felt like I failed after taking it and had difficulty eatting/sleeping during that 1 month snail mail wait
Congrats! I saw ur previous post. I think I missed a little more than Urs. Did u actually look them up afterward tat was how u know u missed that much? How many did u guess then?
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Took it on 12/19. This was my second try and my second time being stuck in QA period. What a dumb process they have for that. While people from other states find out in a matter of days, we have to wait months. I surely hope I don't have to wait until Feb. to find out. This is ridiculous....
Took mine 12/23. Still waiting dreadfully. Felt okay, like some others have stated, I had to make my best guess on multiple questions, seemed I narrowed down to 2 answers on quite a number of them and either one seems correct....
this process is so idiotic. i failed the exam back in september. was stuck in that qa. waited 90 days. first day i was eligible to take the exam was 12/2 so i was stuck in qa again no matter what.

so did some digging through old forums. looks like a few years ago they got their results on 2/13/13

but back in 2012 they got their results in january 1/7/12

hopefully it will be january for us this year...anyone else have any news?
Just spoke with the front desk person at the board and they don't anticipate our results to be released until the end of February :-/
I took it 12/3.... And my residency is prolonged for 6 months after getting my stupid license. And my coresident has already been kicked out because of this test. You have GOT to be kidding me.
Your co-resident was kicked out because he/she had a delay to get CA license? That is very not nice...

No. She failed it the second time. Both by one point. She took it right before the QA in November. I was also taking it for my second time. I initially applied for licensure last MARCH. This is the SECOND QA I have been stuck in. And it's really going to suck to get kicked out of residency at the end of February so I better have passed the damned thing.
No. She failed it the second time. Both by one point. She took it right before the QA in November. I was also taking it for my second time. I initially applied for licensure last MARCH. This is the SECOND QA I have been stuck in. And it's really going to suck to get kicked out of residency at the end of February so I better have passed the damned thing.

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I feel bad for that resident...My friend failed by 1 point first time but passed the second time last October. I hope you pass this time. I honestly think Naplex is better test than cpje as far as evaluating your pharmacy skills. Naplex has more margin to pass while cpje has small margin to pass. cpje may become just law test eventually as Naplex seems to be more sophisticated and advanced clinical and pharmacy operation wise compared to cpje. cpje requires a lot of detail information to know requiring a lot of memorizations, or you may just know through the rotations...I honestly do not understand the nature of this test. I even got of 30 minutes not know this is good or bed.. I imagine how this makes nerve breaking for everyone including me. Let's cross fingers!

I also had about 30 minutes left by the time I finished. This is my first attempt. I also dont know if this is good or bad. This waiting really sucks
hey i had quick question about signing up for the cpje as an out of state pharmacist. i passed the naplex back in july and been working in texas. i transferred my naplex scores via nabp to cali and few other states. i was wondering how i can sign for the cjpe now and what the application process is. also do you have any good study tips? i have the naplex book, and i know the exam is very clinical based but to learn the actual laws of cali state, is there any good books i should purchase?

Thank you!!
hey i had quick question about signing up for the cpje as an out of state pharmacist. i passed the naplex back in july and been working in texas. i transferred my naplex scores via nabp to cali and few other states. i was wondering how i can sign for the cjpe now and what the application process is. also do you have any good study tips? i have the naplex book, and i know the exam is very clinical based but to learn the actual laws of cali state, is there any good books i should purchase?

Thank you!!

You should receive something from PSI once your application is all set to go, but i would call the board and ask. Just talk to the front desk person because you'll never get through to anyone else lol. As far as preparation goes I used Naplex and pharmacy charts from eBay and i found the pharmacy charts to be the best resource for me when studying for the cpje. As far as law goes, either purchase the Fred weissman book or try to get a hold of his abbreviated lecture. I only used his lecture handout which seemed sufficient
Seriously? =(

So I just called the board myself and the receptionist told me that they have no way of knowing when the QA will end. She said it is an outside service that conducts the QA and they cannot see into that system to determine when the results will be released. So maybe if we all wish real hard it will happen sooner?
This is also my second time being stuck in QA. I went to school out of state and the delay in getting my ATT (took nearly 3 months from graduation) resulted in me being fired from my job. Since I'm not a licensed pharmacist, I still haven't found a new job yet because virtually no one is willing to hire a grad intern at this point.
One of the most important requirement for pharmacy residency seems to be pending California pharmacist license. This tells that many programs use residents as cheap staff pharmacists while these residents work on clinical activities, teaching students, and projects, etc. With soaring pharmacist job market, I feel pharmacy residency system is abused in wrong way, Without having pharmacy residency, it is very difficult to find a job in hospital setting even as a staffing pharmacist. Residency is equal to an ultimate way to work in hospitals in California. Of course, CA board is making this worse by dragging the licensing process like this. Even worse, it seems some people's career got screwed over for not getting CA license. This is too much I said, unless concerning pharmacists make one voice to file petition or sue the CA board, this will go on like seems to happen every year just like this...
I'm so sorry DexterRx...

It took me nearly four months to get my ATT. I started gathering app materials on match day last March, submitted in April, and didn't get an ATT till August. It will take me an entire year to get licensed. Stuck in two QAs and had to actually physically show up to the board of pharmacy to get my intern license. (Drove my moving truck 4 hours out of the way and my dad sat in the cafeteria with my cat). I am licensed in two different other states. So frustrating.

I hope we get these results soon...

This is also my second time being stuck in QA. I went to school out of state and the delay in getting my ATT (took nearly 3 months from graduation) resulted in me being fired from my job. Since I'm not a licensed pharmacist, I still haven't found a new job yet because virtually no one is willing to hire a grad intern at this point.
No. She failed it the second time. Both by one point. She took it right before the QA in November. I was also taking it for my second time. I initially applied for licensure last MARCH. This is the SECOND QA I have been stuck in. And it's really going to suck to get kicked out of residency at the end of February so I better have passed the damned thing.

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Honestly I don't see any change from this coming any time soon. Why should pharmacists here even care? They are already pharmacists. It only affects new graduates and we all know how low on the totem pole we are.
CPJE and cali bop is the worst piece of crap. I submitted my app at the beginning of may, they put my app on hold for no reason. Called them up mutliple times before reaching a human. Finally took my cpje on 9/22, licensed at the end of october. Almost 6 months for a 1 time pass....other states can do this in a week.
I took CPJE on 12/26... It was very weird and was my second attempt.. I'm just really hoping I pass this time... This test is so stupid .. Questions they ask u are not in rx pep there's no source to be prepared for this test.. There's no question bank! However, I know lots ppl who weren't doing well in school pass first time. I was always a good student.. I don't understand the concept of this exam
You should receive something from PSI once your application is all set to go, but i would call the board and ask. Just talk to the front desk person because you'll never get through to anyone else lol. As far as preparation goes I used Naplex and pharmacy charts from eBay and i found the pharmacy charts to be the best resource for me when studying for the cpje. As far as law goes, either purchase the Fred weissman book or try to get a hold of his abbreviated lecture. I only used his lecture handout which seemed sufficient
Thanks for the tips! where can i find the abbreviated lecture? would you be willing to share the lecture hand out?
So, what is going to happen to your co-resident? Is she attempting to take the cpje third time? I think you can take it 4 times within one year from the date when you received ATT. However, this this slow process, I think you may barely make it to two/three times in re-taking...It appears CA is hated by my many other States due to this kind of awkward bureaucracy...not good...I hope we all pass then put a strong petition to CA board although it seems everyone just moves on as soon as they pass...I am sure they even do not want to even think about this horrible system...never be fixed...

She has already applied to take it a third time. Her mom & boyfriend live in California so she really wants to practice here. I do have another friend who it took a year for her to get to her third attempt and she failed that as well. Studied the hardest for it and got the worst grade of the three. After 4 attempts you have to complete 16 credit hours of pharmacy classes at an accredited school before you can sit for another attempt...

I've talked to some friends as well as some pharmacists at my hospital here about suing the board... we would have to be sure to prove that it greatly impacted patient care. What we really need is a hospital to sue the board, and mine would love to right now EXCEPT that it's a UC hospital, so that would be the government suing itself. And I don't know as suing is going to help since part of the delay is not having enough staffing. But I agree wholeheartedly that something needs to be done. It's been bad over the years, but it's gotten progressively worse and worse... My new goal in life is to be elected to the board solely so I can dismantle it and fix it.
She has already applied to take it a third time. Her mom & boyfriend live in California so she really wants to practice here. I do have another friend who it took a year for her to get to her third attempt and she failed that as well. Studied the hardest for it and got the worst grade of the three. After 4 attempts you have to complete 16 credit hours of pharmacy classes at an accredited school before you can sit for another attempt...

I've talked to some friends as well as some pharmacists at my hospital here about suing the board... we would have to be sure to prove that it greatly impacted patient care. What we really need is a hospital to sue the board, and mine would love to right now EXCEPT that it's a UC hospital, so that would be the government suing itself. And I don't know as suing is going to help since part of the delay is not having enough staffing. But I agree wholeheartedly that something needs to be done. It's been bad over the years, but it's gotten progressively worse and worse... My new goal in life is to be elected to the board solely so I can dismantle it and fix it.

You have my vote to redo the CA board! I think it may worth waiting a little bit for them to become completely dysfunctional & fail to have more support from the public that we need to do something about the current CA pharmacy board system. Yes, I see it is progressively getting worse hurting our career, patient care, and the whole pharmacy profession. I do not see this organization can sustain this way for long...this will come end...just painful process to go with this kind of non-functioning system...
I read through previous threads about December CA BOP QA, and this is typical:
CA BOP announced December QA at their web site
CA BOP answered that they would not release the score until the end of February when people call them
People get angry, complain
In worse, people lose opportunities for job offers, kicked out of residency, and go through financial crisis

This was various:
People received the cpje test results in beginning of January, Mid of January, Second week of February, or End of February.

I did not see any release in March...

Perhaps, we may receive the cpje score sometime this month or next month. Who knows? It will be dependent on how many people take the test in reach whatever the sample size that they need to calculate bell-curve...

I feel CA BOP uses stone-aged statistical tools/personnel/methods to release the cpje score compared to NABP, which can release the NAPLEX score in one week...

I wish I knew this kind of bureaucracy of CA BOP earlier as no body in my school indicated this kind of horrible (and very incompetent) system is waiting for me upon my graduation of pharmacy school.

I guess this will continue every year, repeat...

As soon as I pass, I will not look back...who wants to deal this kind of organization/system when any one gets out of this?

Another day passes like wasted my time, money, and my opportunities and my life...

Let the nature take care of CA BOP!! They will go on a while but not forever...
still waiting guys...

Nop, nothing here either...will not hear until some time in February. I wonder NABP can help this situation. I feel this kind of broken system should be corrected by national pharmacy professional level as CA BOP so mal-functioning and CA problem impacts on so many pharmacy professionals from all of the States. I, myself complain here in the blog, but anyone in CA BOP would care for?
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Just took my CPJE 1/31...guess we're still in QA and looks like there's still a month to wait 🙁
Just took my CPJE 1/31...guess we're still in QA and looks like there's still a month to wait 🙁

I do not think probably get your result in couple of weeks. My friend got his result in couple of weeks just after QA lifted...He took it in the beginning of October and got the result in couple of weeks.

People like me who took it December are ones waiting for more than 2 months to get the results. We are unlucky ones...
Any word from anyone? This wait is killing me! I just want to know my results already. Also, I need to determine whether I am going to stay in state or leave soon. If my own state doesn't want me here as a pharmacist, then I'm going elsewhere.