Deferring for multiple years

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7+ Year Member
Dec 22, 2015
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Does anyone know if it’s possible/happens (I’m sure it depends on the school) to defer for 4+ years. I’m dabbling with the possibility of trying to pursue professional athletics after I graduate but I’ve already taken the Mcat and gotten everything else (letters of rec and such) in order to apply next cycle (since I didn’t originally think I would be good enough at my sport to still play after college.) Basically, I’m trying to weigh my options of applying now and being able to defer if I decide to continue my sport or wait until I’m ready to retire from athletics and retake the Mcat and such and apply then.
Also would it send the wrong message (such as being not serious enough about a career in medicine) if I where to reach directly out to schools with this question?

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I can't see any school bring okay with guaranteeing you a spot 4 years in the future out of school after your MCAT expires. You could be a totally different person then.
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Do you want to be a doctor or an athlete (as goniff would say)?!?!?!
Does anyone know if it’s possible/happens (I’m sure it depends on the school) to defer for 4+ years. I’m dabbling with the possibility of trying to pursue professional athletics after I graduate but I’ve already taken the Mcat and gotten everything else (letters of rec and such) in order to apply next cycle (since I didn’t originally think I would be good enough at my sport to still play after college.) Basically, I’m trying to weigh my options of applying now and being able to defer if I decide to continue my sport or wait until I’m ready to retire from athletics and retake the Mcat and such and apply then.
Also would it send the wrong message (such as being not serious enough about a career in medicine) if I where to reach directly out to schools with this question?
Two years is the most I've heard of, and it wasn't to allow the pursuit of professional sports.