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Jan 3, 2018
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I am a Psych major in CC and I apply for Uni this fall. I currently volunteer at a Hospice & Palliative service through a hospital, but
1) I'm wondering where else I could volunteer that relates more to Psychiatry.
2) I work as a Behavior Technician at the moment at a company that does in-home therapy for children with autism. Will med school see this as comparable to "clinical experience?"
3) That said, what else can I do to be a strong applicant?
1) Consider non-clinical volunteering that helps those in need: Homeless Shelter, Women's Shelter, crisis hotline, clean needle exchange?

2) It depends on how you describe it and on adcomm opinion. And you'd need additional experience with medically ill and or injured folks, too. Hospice is a fine choice to acquire that, as long as your duties aren't doing laundry, shopping, housework, and cooking.

3) Besides the research you've mentioned, shadow physicians, teach (coach, TA, tutor, mentor), & demonstrate peer leadership.
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Good grades are priority number one, never forget that. It is relatively simple to take time to make up for deficits in ECs. It is expensive and hard to make up for a poor GPA
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