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7+ Year Member
May 16, 2016
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I wouldn’t do any post bac or SMP. Your GPA/MCAT is fine for many medical schools.

If you apply broadly you should receive several interviews.
I spent 4 years at community before transferring to a fairly prestigious four university known to be rigorous. After transferring it was rough for while between the intense coursework and some physical/mental health problems. My cc GPA was 3.75 and my 4 yr cGPA was 3.45 (sGPA around 3.40). My overall cGPA is 3.68 and sGPA is 3.54. My MCAT was 514 (127/130/128/129).

I’m a non trad with who just finished an americorp corp term in healthcare. I have another 1000 hours of paid clinical work, 450 hours of clinical volunteering. 450 hours of bench research and 300 hours of chart review. 180 hours of shadowing over 6 years. 1500 of non clinical volunteering/extracurriculars.

Right now I’m considering doing a postbac or smp program to improve my study skills and show that I can handle upper level course work. I would love opinions, advice and answers to the specific questions below.

  • What type of postbac would be best for me.
    • Part time or full time needed?

    • Masters vs. More undergrad coursework?
  • Is taking the grad level version of courses I’ve taken in undergrad frowned upon?

  • Doing more undergrad courses probably won’t make a dent in my GPA because I already have so many credits. But if I did well (showing an upward trend) would it still matter to adcoms?

  • How much does school reputation and linkage agreements matter?
The key question is do you have any sort of an upward trend?

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