Dental Organizations in Dental School

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New Member
10+ Year Member
Aug 17, 2013
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Hello all,

D1 here. Just got to a dental school where there are no dental organizations or clubs set up and I was considering starting something up, so my question is two-fold:

1) What clubs/organizations have been useful to you in dental school?

2) If anyone has any experience in setting up clubs/organizations, I'd love to hear your story.

Thanks in advance.

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Hello all,

D1 here. Just got to a dental school where there are no dental organizations or clubs set up and I was considering starting something up, so my question is two-fold:

1) What clubs/organizations have been useful to you in dental school?

2) If anyone has any experience in setting up clubs/organizations, I'd love to hear your story.

Thanks in advance.

Which new school is it? ASDA, AGD, ADEA, all specialties and more
I'll look into all of these.
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