Dental school admissions 2019

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Nam Ly

Full Member
7+ Year Member
Jun 20, 2017
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Hello Everyone,
Does anyone know anything (reviews) about Meharry Medical College School of Dentistry (MEH)? or is anyone applying to this school this cycle?
I thank you for your help and responses in advance

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I live in the Nashville area so I know a few dentists who went there, as well as an oral surgeon that I shadowed. They are all terrific practitioners if that gives you any idea of Meharry's quality. They are all caucasians though which is odd because I'm pretty sure they accept mainly URM's. I know they emphasize community outreach to underserved communities so if you are a URM and interested in that, Meharry could be a good choice. At the end of the day though, every school will make you a dentist so I think it's best to just go to the cheapest school

this is the best info I found on SDN about this school. I am also applying here
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I live in the Nashville area so I know a few dentists who went there, as well as an oral surgeon that I shadowed. They are all terrific practitioners if that gives you any idea of Meharry's quality. They are all caucasians though which is odd because I'm pretty sure they accept mainly URM's. I know they emphasize community outreach to underserved communities so if you are a URM and interested in that, Meharry could be a good choice. At the end of the day though, every school will make you a dentist so I think it's best to just go to the cheapest school
I really appreciate your advises! They are very helpful!

this is the best info I found on SDN about this school. I am also applying here
Best of luck to you