Dental School Admissions Question

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Jul 24, 2009
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I just finished my first year of undergradute study at McGill University. I grew up in Los Angeles and am a California resident. I want to go to either UCLA or UCSF for Dental School (Specializing in Oral Surgery).

My question is: Since UC's have a poor rate of international student acceptance, I am sure they have VERY few applicants from Canadian students, let alone out-of-state students. Has anybody gone to school in Canada and attended dental in the US (being a US resident of course). Does this hurt or help my chances of getting in at all?

It's difficult for me to explain so if you need me to elaborate any more please let me know.

I appreciate any help you guys can give me.


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I just finished my first year of undergradute study at McGill University. I grew up in Los Angeles and am a California resident. I want to go to either UCLA or UCSF for Dental School (Specializing in Oral Surgery).
The only thing you need to elaborate on is the major and your stats. A resident is a resident is a resident no matter what school you may have attended, although if you went out of the country for the heck of it, they might think that you consider CA schools as inferior.
I was aiming for a degree in Environmental Science, but really only made the decision to switch to Pre-Dental about 2 months ago. I'm currently trying to decide whether I should apply with an Environmental Science degree or something more suitable (Biology/Chem).

I took a large amount of the pre-med/dental requirements this year which was a major mistake on my part because I was bogged down by too much work at once (my GPA is a 2.9).

2 Semester Calc
1 Semester Bio
1 Semester Gen Chem
1 Semester Org Chem (got a D)
2 Semesters Physics
1 Semester Psychology

I've never really been enthusiastic about studying until now because I have never felt that I have been working towards a specific goal in life. I feel like going to Dental School will really fill that gap for me, and hopefully help me get better grades because I can "see" a reward.

I spent a majority of the year screwing around but I plan on changing that.

I've been researching Dental schools nonstop recently. I'm on the internet a majority of my free time researching and I just bought a couple books from Barnes & Nobles on getting into Dental School.

I am not concerned about bringing my GPA up per se, but I am concerned that my 2.9 GPA in the real "core" pre-requisites is an irreversible curse that I put on myself.

Thanks for any help