Dental School Dream

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Jul 14, 2008
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Hello SDN ers,
I need suggestion and ideas from all of you to figure this out. I graduated in 2007 with a Microbiology degree from UTKnoxville. I took the DAT twice did not do well first time (16AA, 18 PA), second time couldn't do well because I lost my father the morning of my exam. Years have passed since that happen I have gone and worked in different companies and after all these years I still feel like my career never took off like I wanted it to. I am 27 now, not the usual canddiate for Dental school. I have worked the past few years abroad in clinics, dental colleges, finally worked at gym for 2 years. I am starting to look for some dentists who I could shadow in the DC, Northern VA area. Do any of you think I have a shot if I start studying for the DAT this month and take it by DEC 2013 and apply for 2014 or even 2015. My GPA is not the greatest but I feel like working abroad and all these years will compensate a little. Its been a personal struggle for years I feel alot older and wiser maybe I have a shot??

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I think you most definitely do! Of course you will need to do really well on the DAT this time around. I know of many non traditional dental students, some of which have gone to dental school in their late 30's. Follow your dream and just be prepared to explain everything that has led you to this application! Good luck!!
Wow, I am so sorry to hear about your father. You certainly have a chance at earning a dental school acceptance as long as you do really well on the DAT (ideally >20). And yes, start calling dental offices and see if you can shadow them to gain experience and insight into what dentistry has to offer. You could even try to find some dental clinics that offer services for underprivileged patients ( . It might be too late to apply for this cycle; you don't want to rush anything!
I am really sorry about your father and it is obvious for us and the people in charge in admission offices why you didn't do well on the second attempt. I am 27 years old too. I worked some years after graduation in a very different field and I think it is definitely not late for us to apply to a dental program. I think you are an experienced guy who knows a lot about dentistry profession by now.You are mature and can find out how to improve yourself for your DAT exam. You can do it!
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Thanks guys.. I am very neutral about my situation but how can it hurt to just focus a few months on the DAT. I think I am going to get on the band wagon. Here we go! Thanks for your positive inputs.