Dental School is the most expensive education in the world

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10+ Year Member
Sep 3, 2013
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I just had this random thought popped into my head.

We're literally paying for the most expensive education money can buy
Now I feel bad for ditching classes :whistle:

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remember, there were about 4-5000 students from last cycle who would've rather taken out that big ass loan to pay for their education, than to wait another year or two to get in. That's a good problem to have and you know it, sir.

Get back to studying already ;)
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not really the most expensive education

carribean MD is the most expensive education because you pay them near 200k and have 20-30% of really becoming a licensed doctor.

Imagine working crap jobs to pay that back
not really the most expensive education

carribean MD is the most expensive education because you pay them near 200k and have 20-30% of really becoming a licensed doctor.

Imagine working crap jobs to pay that back
This... doesn't make sense.

Last I checked 400k > 200k

That's like saying a house is not expensive because you have a good chance to sell it for more than what you got it for

remember, there were about 4-5000 students from last cycle who would've rather taken out that big ass loan to pay for their education, than to wait another year or two to get in. That's a good problem to have and you know it, sir.

Get back to studying already ;)
I guess some people don't share my view point but my logic was that expensive = quality

A BMW will always be better than a Toyota (although that doesn't mean you should be driving one)
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This... doesn't make sense.

Last I checked 400k > 200k

That's like saying a house is not expensive because you have a good chance to sell it for more than what you got it for

lol yea it doesnt make sense.

what i mean is having 400k but you can find a full fledged dentist job rather than 200k on uncertainty to become a licensed medical doctor