Dentistry in Canada ,please help

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10+ Year Member
Apr 4, 2009
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Hey Doctors and Dentists , I know many of you dreams of having dentist job in Canada
I have seen many dentists who made it to the finals , but also seen much more who failed and ended up working as a gas stations worker , and some others went back home
i want your insights and stories that can help me and others , does Canada deserves the hard work , does discrimination exist in Canada , will they let you practice ?
I have heared countless stories of Immigrant dentists struggle in Canada ., I am a PR in Ontario , but I have much much fears now .

Members don't see this ad. a dentist from india planning to immigrate to canada really studying for nbde....but like you i am in need of some motivation since i have hardly come across people who made it....have you started preparing for the exams? when are u planning to give them?? hopefully we can find some more people chipping in with us and together all of us can motivate each other.
Great, I'm planning to Immigrate to Canada too, probably next year, and I'm a dentist in my homeland.I've heard that there's a lot of jobs for dentist in Canada, so this what you are saying is strange for me, even if you pass the exams(NBDE) it's hard to find places to work?
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