Destroyer gen chem #113

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Dec 4, 2016
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confused about this one:

If an acid is weak, thus giving off less particles, wouldn’t that make less of a difference on the boiling/freezing point? Because the vant Hoff factor would be a smaller number...

Explanation says: “HClO would be the weakest acid thus giving the fewest particles, hence raising the freezing point and lowering the boiling point, to a greater extent than the others.”

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confused about this one:

If an acid is weak, thus giving off less particles, wouldn’t that make less of a difference on the boiling/freezing point? Because the vant Hoff factor would be a smaller number...

Explanation says: “HClO would be the weakest acid thus giving the fewest particles, hence raising the freezing point and lowering the boiling point, to a greater extent than the others.”

the wording kinda of funny, but it basically means a solution of HClO will have a higher FP and a lower BP compared to the others.
Exactly since it gives a smaller number then the freezing point will be higher. HClO4 would maybe be -10C because it gives off more particles, whilst HClO is weaker so gives off less particles so maybe have a freezing point of -2C. Remember more particles lower freezing point and higher melting point.