Did I significantly screw my chances?

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2+ Year Member
May 13, 2020
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Hi all,

I submitted my AMCAS application on July 21st. I'm not happy with the timeline, but it is what it is.

That said, the application itself is competitive and I am happy with that. However, I am worried that my late submission is going to trash all the work I put into building my app.

I have 2 questions:
1. Am I overreating?
2. If I'm not overreacting, how detrimental is this late of a submission going to be?

Thanks for your input.

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"Am I overreating?" LOL

Now that it is submitted, go to the individual threads on SDN and find your essays and start writing to get them ready.
Check your AMCAS portal twice a week to see if there are any messages.
See if any of your schools require CASPer or PREview and get those out of the way.

These are a lot of the things you can do to be ready while you wait for AMCAS to verify it and send it to your schools.

good luck, keep busy, and don't get distracted!
Don't overeat! You may have a lot on your plate and you may be a good eater but don't overdo. 😉

Your goal should be to be complete and under review by Labor Day (September 4). That's almost 6 weeks away so you should hit that target or come close which won't scuttle your chances, particularly if you have a strong application.

Pre-write those secondaries as recommended by @wysdoc and take their additional wise advice.
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