Did my grades tank enough to be considered an "inconsistency in academic performance"?

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Jun 16, 2023
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I talked to someone and they told me that my GPA is not bad enough to need to address it as an inconsistency in a secondary app, but I am just not sure.

If I were to address it, I would probably talk about how being a first gen college student with all my family working in food service and being naive to the whole process, I was dead set on graduating in three years so I can get through med school right away so I kind of rushed through it all and my grades were impacted, but then I realized how much I was struggling after sophomore year and that its about the journey not the destination or something like that, which led me to slow down and be more focused on my education, add another major and minor, take 3 gap years and get a grad degree in psychology, which as you can see my grades really improved esp senior year and in grad school. thats me just spitballing though

What do you think? Should I answer the academic inconsistencies question in my secondaries or were my grades fine enough for me to put N/A as a response?

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Could you provide the specific prompts that concern you? You are certainly welcome to discuss the difficulties you had when you first started college, and that things didn't click for you with science coursework until your senior year (it appears). Putting down "N/A" won't help you.
The story isn’t a bad one to include somewhere, because it shows your ability to learn, adapt, and improve.
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Could you provide the specific prompts that concern you? You are certainly welcome to discuss the difficulties you had when you first started college, and that things didn't click for you with science coursework until your senior year (it appears). Putting down "N/A" won't help you.
these are the prompts from various secondaries that i am encountering:

1. Please explain any inconsistencies in your university, graduate, or professional school academic performance and/or MCAT scores. If the question does not apply to you, please put N/A in the box provided

2. Please describe any extenuating circumstances that may have affected your medical or non-medical service experiences, including any circumstances that impacted your engagement in activities, academics, and MCAT that would have helped to prepare you for medical school [Optional]

3. If applicable, please address any withdrawals, repeated courses, leaves of absence or breaks in your undergraduate education that are not explained in your application

4. Is there any further information that you would like the Committee on Admissions to be aware of when reviewing your file that you were not able to notate in another section of this or the AMCAS Application?

5. Please explain any gaps or inconsistencies in either academic or standardized test performances throughout your undergraduate, graduate, or post-graduate career

6. Use this space to provide additional information, which is non-COVID related, you would like the Committee on Admissions to be aware of when reviewing your application [Optional]

7. Discuss any elements of your application that you feel might be concerning to the Admissions Committee (This could include explanation of metric trends, institutional actions, legal violations, etc.) Please enter N/A if no concerns to report

8. Please briefly explain any lapses in your undergraduate education that are not explained in your application.

9. Please briefly explain any low GPAs or poor grades.
Your inconsistency is having a high senior year GPA compared to your other undergraduate terms. You can talk about your struggles with college coursework and finally having things click your senior year, but I would not highlight this inconsistency. (Agrees with @LunaOri that your answer works with 7 and 9.)

What we mean by inconsistency is a sudden drop in your GPA that could be due to a semester withdrawal. Extenuating circumstances may include a disruption in financial aid or support due to a family member's death or disability. Prompt 3 also gives you suggestions regarding repeated courses or leaves of absence.