Difference between physical therapist and physician patient exams

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Phys Therapist Student

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Jan 25, 2018
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When performing a physical exam on a patient what is a physician able to do that a physical therapist cannot? Physical therapists are educated to test for red flags in all systems and refer if condition is serious. I have an assignment that is asking the difference between the two professions exams and after a decent amount of looking was unable to find a real difference besides ordering labs, x-rays, and things of that nature.

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They are probably more fluent in visceral palpation, systems analysis, systemic assessments are more thorough than most PTs just because of the depth and breadth of their training. We touch on the systemic things enough to identify what is NOT in our scope, they have to do more in order to justify labs, imaging, referrals etc . . . (we do a thorough job but our eyes cant see what we are not trained to look for) I'm sure five-O boy will have an issue with my response.
P.S. our musculoskeletal and probably neuro exams are much more in depth than most FP docs