Dilemma Dilemma

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7+ Year Member
Nov 23, 2013
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I've recently received interviews at BU and Upitt. Both schools offered me the same date for an interview and I can only assume that it's the last interview date that they have for this cycle (unless someone else received one for later). Given the choice, which school would you pick to interview at? I'm OOS for both

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I interviewed at BU. I wasn't impressed. I'd probably choose Upitt. But I'm sure others would have a different opinion. Its up to you. Call and reschedule?
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Every Pitt interviewee that I have seen on SDN really loved it. I haven't interviewed at either school, but that would be my choice. Both cities are awesome in their own different ways.

BU does have a pretty high OOS acceptance rate post-interview, though (~88% from the entering class of 2014).
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Pitt. Cheaper and better school imo
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Go to Pitt..
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Pitt, great interview and a great school.
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Def Pitt!
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BU is expensiveeee. Definitely Pitt.
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Wow thanks you guys!!! I'll check to see if I can move one of the interviews but if not I have an idea of which way to go now. :)
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If you haven't been accepted anywhere else, BU loves OOS applicants at the expense of... well your expenses. Lol

I got accepted into Tufts and UNE but I wanna explore all of my options lol. I turned down interviews at Maryland and Nova (I was running out of money at the time and they were both post-December). I have 3 more outstanding interviews. Aside from the two mentioned here the remaining one is Upenn
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I got accepted into Tufts and UNE but I wanna explore all of my options lol. I turned down interviews at Maryland and Nova (I was running out of money at the time and they were both post-December). I have 3 more outstanding interviews. Aside from the two mentioned here the remaining one is Upenn
I'd say Pitt then since you have a "plan b" but obviously both are great schools. Have fun, go interview, and enjoy the ride
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As if you really need another person telling you this, but GO TO PITT. I would absolutely be going there if I was accepted.
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As if you really need another person telling you this, but GO TO PITT. I would absolutely be going there if I was accepted.

They really should have taken you.
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I got accepted into Tufts and UNE but I wanna explore all of my options lol. I turned down interviews at Maryland and Nova (I was running out of money at the time and they were both post-December). I have 3 more outstanding interviews. Aside from the two mentioned here the remaining one is Upenn
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