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Dec 17, 2005
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Ok, im gettin ready to decide my fate for next year. My deposit for BU is due in a little over a week. I loved the school but it is quite pricey. I just got waitlisted at IUSD today. When i emailed doctor Kasberg he told me that the list doesnt move for in-state which i am. He also said in his exact words, "Being on the list does mean that your chances for admission next year are outstanding if you choose to apply again." Alright, my father went to IUSD my grandfather taught there, it would save alot of money and be an easier transition. Is it worth risking the acceptance I already have. I would definately be kicking myself if i didnt get in next year, but he makes it seem like i would. HELP.

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I'd put down the deposit for Boston and hope for the waitlist to move. But that's just me... maybe you you want to apply early for next cycle and work for a year. If you don't put your deposit for Boston, you are basically saying that it's more important for you to go to the school you want and wait another year than go to your second choice. True, you will save money if you don't put down for Boston, but I'd ask myself "Why did I apply there in the first place if I didn't want to attend?" Sounds like a tough call. Personally, I'd hate to go through the whole application process again. Boston's a good school and you will pay off your debts eventually. Good luck deciding and I hope IUSD opens up for you this year so you don't have to second guess yourself.
That is a bit of a pickle you are in.

How old are you? I aint no spring chicken so if it were me I'd go to D-School as soon as possible. If you are like 23 or something and the differnece between IU and BU is massive, I'd say wait another year.
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Don't forget to factor in the 120k-150k you will be losing if you wait around another year.
If I were you, I'd put the deposit in on BU. There's no guarantees for IUSD next year and I'd rather get the frickin' show on the road...I don't care what it would cost. The sooner you get out, the sooner you're a dentist - with a salary. But that's just me talkin'. I DID NOT get into IUSD today and it was my safety school - didn't really want to go there. But I'd rather go there than nowhere - or wait a year and spend all that time and money applying AND WAITING all over again!
Put the deposit down at BU and plan to move to Boston. The process is getting more competitive and a good chance is still no grantee. Yes BU costs a lot more but a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.
thewince7 said:
Ok, im gettin ready to decide my fate for next year. My deposit for BU is due in a little over a week. I loved the school but it is quite pricey. I just got waitlisted at IUSD today. When i emailed doctor Kasberg he told me that the list doesnt move for in-state which i am. He also said in his exact words, "Being on the list does mean that your chances for admission next year are outstanding if you choose to apply again." Alright, my father went to IUSD my grandfather taught there, it would save alot of money and be an easier transition. Is it worth risking the acceptance I already have. I would definately be kicking myself if i didnt get in next year, but he makes it seem like i would. HELP.
If I were you I would weigh this out like this.....
1.) price difference........
4 years tuition at IUSD + 1 years profit as practicing dentist(100 G's to be conservative) + estimated living expenses = total cost?
4 years tuition at BU + estimated living expenses= total cost?
Take the difference between the total costs for IUSD and BU.
2.) this one is all you.........asses how much extra you are willing to pay to go to IUSD over BU(include interest on those loans!).

If your figures are still too close to make a comfortable decision then proceed to step three..............

3.) Part 1.) What are your chances of being accepted at IUSD next year. One comment from Dr. Kasberg is not enough info to form a probability. Next year could easily see a boost in competition at the local level(happened to me last year!).
Part 2.) What are your chances getting in anywhere next year? Were you lucky with BU or can it happen again? Don't kid around on this step! Do some hardcore research.

OK........How much money will it cost to wait a year? Is it to much or can you phase it? Are you safe to be accepted next year.......do you really care more about the school then the career? If it was me this would be a no brainer. I want in and out, the faster the better. I want to start working and making money as a contributing member of society. I am sick of undergrad. I would actually pay more money to go to a school that I didn't really like if it meant that I would have DDS tacked to the end of my name sooner. Don't lose sight of why you got in this field to begin with. It wasn't so that you go to IUSD was it? It was so you could help people, be a respected member of your community, make money, start a family.......blah blah whatever it was? Best of luck to you and I hope I helped.
Thanks, for the advice thats kinda what i was thinkin too, any other opinions are welcome.
thewince7 said:
Thanks, for the advice thats kinda what i was thinkin too, any other opinions are welcome.
I would put the deposit at BU bc I don't trust waiting lists, and I have been on them couple times they don't mean NONE! They are not guaranteed and that's why I wouln't risk AT ALL! Don't risk your acceptance b/c you never know how the applicant pool is next year, it's rather getting more competitive and worse as I can say.
Good luck
geckel, just wanted to give you props for that analysis :thumbup: ... maybe it should be posted in a seperate thread as a general guideline on how to decide between schools etc.
I too have given BU 2K, and boy did it hurt when I found out I got in to Tufts. Alas, as many people have told me, 2K is nothing as far as dental school goes, it won't even pay for books. It still bums me out about not being able to go on vacation though.
alphabet said:
geckel, just wanted to give you props for that analysis :thumbup: ... maybe it should be posted in a seperate thread as a general guideline on how to decide between schools etc.
Well thank you for the props alphabet!
thewince7 said:
Ok, im gettin ready to decide my fate for next year. My deposit for BU is due in a little over a week. I loved the school but it is quite pricey. I just got waitlisted at IUSD today. When i emailed doctor Kasberg he told me that the list doesnt move for in-state which i am. He also said in his exact words, "Being on the list does mean that your chances for admission next year are outstanding if you choose to apply again." Alright, my father went to IUSD my grandfather taught there, it would save alot of money and be an easier transition. Is it worth risking the acceptance I already have. I would definately be kicking myself if i didnt get in next year, but he makes it seem like i would. HELP.

my advice is to take the advice of

in other words, pick up your bags and move to boston!!!!....no more aadsas and no more waiting. and by the way, it seems that you've always lived in indiana (just guessin).....so it's about time you experience something new.