DMU 3rd/4th year rotations

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Jun 21, 2004
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This is for all you 2nd and 3rd (or 4th) year DMUers. Are you satisfied with your rotation sites? Where have you done them? Have you been able to get LORs/ and then desired residencies?


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What are the chances we can get a reply on this? I am really very curious if we can get some honest opinions on the matter. I fell in love with Des Moines, and I will definitely be going there next year. Nevertheless, I'd love to get some heads up on the 3rd and 4th years. Any help would be greatly appreciated and possibly even compensated for with various sexual favors. Only kidding on that last sentence................
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I'm a first year, but I will give you my opinion. From what I understand, the majority of third year has to be spent at "core" rotation sites. I believe that those spots are in and around DSM, Ohio, Michigan, and maybe more that I can't think of right now. If you do have to travel, the school can very often set you up with housing.

Fourth year I am more sketchy on, but I think that it is more of an elective year after you get done with a few required rotations. You then use this time to do rotations at sites that you are looking to apply for residency at.

Hope this helps.
This kills me that we're not getting at least a little more info on this. I'm just going to assume that all of the 3rd and 4th years out there are having a wonderful time on rotations and too busy to waste away on SDN like so many of us do.'s obscenely addicting.
Try calling the school up and ask for the contact info of some current 4th years.
It'sElectric said:
This kills me that we're not getting at least a little more info on this. I'm just going to assume that all of the 3rd and 4th years out there are having a wonderful time on rotations and too busy to waste away on SDN like so many of us do.'s obscenely addicting.

Hey It's electric,
I got in touch with Risa Quade at the admissions office and she got me in touch with a first year resident who was from california (like me). This is a brief synopsis of what he wrote. He did his entire 3rd year in columbus ohio at a core site-completing almost all of his required rotations. Then during his fourth year he spent several months in New York (he thought he might want to do his residency there) and several months in two other places he was interested in doing his residency. He did not take the USMLE step one. He got his first choice match for residency.

So for me my questions were answered and I sent in my initial deposit. Feel free to message me if you have any more specific Qs
you may wanna eavesdrop on the dmu super geniuses. they are 3rd years out on rotations now. they're usually pretty nice too, so ask em what you want.
:mad: :horns:
surprised you guys have not gotten replies on's my 2 cents (keep in mind as an alum some of this info may be dated:

3rd year: 4 months of 'core' hospital, sites in IA, MI, OH, PA, other areas and pretty much in that order in terms of spots. Sites outside of Iowa either offer housing, or in the case of the OH CORE, you know you will be there for a fullyear and get your own place. 2 months of FP, one block each of OB, Peds, psych, than a block of a 'primary care' elective (FP, IM, Gyn, peds, er, omm, psych). 2 months of elective.

4th year: 2 months of FP/similar. The rest was all elective

here was my schedule:

2 months FP in Philly

then peds, OB, IM, psych, neuro, rads also in philly

finished 3rd year with core hospital in MI (free housing/food)

4th year: FP in CO, FP in MA, neuro/pm&r at Harvard, IM sub-I at BU in Boston, ICU at Umass, gas at BU, pm&r at BU

any ?'s PM me

the bottom line is DMU's weakness is that it does not have its own med center, few affil. residences. That being said there is a ton of flexibility and many DOs go ACGME anyway and if you rotate through philly/MI you have an equal shot at AOA programs as do MSU/PCOM. I got LOR from Harvard (2), Umass (1), BU (1).