DO applying to EM sub-I/auditions questions

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5+ Year Member
Oct 2, 2018
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Hi all, I am a DO 3rd year looking to apply to EM audition rotations. I have a few questions regarding this process.

1. I did not take step 1 and most locations ask for a step score report. Should I upload a level p/f score or should I call the location to see if they will accept it?

2. How many auditions should I apply to per month? If I end up getting accepted to a few but they are all within the same month, should I ask to reschedule?

3. My advisor suggested applying early to get the SLOE letter ASAP and have a few more on file before residency apps open. Are the dates most people apply for range from july-november for their auditions? Do later auditions during the app cycle hurt?

Thank you all so much!

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Thanks for the reply. I had a question also about auditions. Currently, I'm offered one for 10/23-11/14. Is this considered a bit late to get a SLOE?