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Jan 16, 2018
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I transferred from CC with 3.67 GPA to UCLA and there my grades collapsed and I went through depression anxiety and was diagnosed with Graves disease. I entered UCLA 2010 and graduated in 2015 after I was diagnosed my grades improved for like 7 classes ending with with A's and B's. Now I'm taking courses through UCLA extension for this whole year and wanting to apply this app cycle. I'm also prepping to take my MCATs soon.I'm an immigrant, came here when I was 10. Also disadvantaged. I contacted passport admissions and they totally discouraged me and where jerks. He told me MD was a long shot. I'm so upset. Even with a great MCAT score and upward trend with all A's in my classes for a whole year is it out of the questions. Please help I'm so lost and confused.

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I'm a CA resident.My CC gpa is 3.67, ended UCLA with 2.47 now taking UCLA extension courses. First 3 classes all straight A's and continuing this. I'm not sure but my cummulative would prob be around 3.2. I'm also applying disadvantaged and talking about the diagnosis. GOnna really focus to do really well on the MCAT 515. I have about 700 clinical experience, founded a premed club was the president, did like 4 months research, did a clinical volunteering in Armenia, shadowed a physician, tutored at homeless shelter, worked as a home health care provider etc.
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What is "passport admissions"?

Calculate your actual current cGPA and sGPA according to the AMCAS instructions. Don't count on your MCAT score until you actually take the exam, and definitely take full-length practice exams before the real deal so you know where you stand.

Also, I understand this is an internet forum and so forth, but your posts have a number of misspelled words and grammatical/stylistic errors. Please be sure to have someone who is fluent in English and competent at editing admissions essays go over your personal statement (and possibly any other communications you have with medical schools).

Good luck.
We really can’t advise you unless we have your cGPA and sGPA and even then it would only be speculation without your MCAT score.
Do you have any clinical experience and shadowing in America? The tutoring at the homeless shelter is good. How many hours do you have?

Come back when you have figured out your real GPAs and when you get your MCAT. Why do you want to apply this upcoming cycle? It might be better to put it off for a year or even longer. You only want to apply once with the best possible application.
I'm 27 so can't really put it off any longer. My gpa I already said is probably going to be around 3.2 and read the above response.
What is "passport admissions"?

Calculate your actual current cGPA and sGPA according to the AMCAS instructions. Don't count on your MCAT score until you actually take the exam, and definitely take full-length practice exams before the real deal so you know where you stand.

Also, I understand this is an internet forum and so forth, but your posts have a number of misspelled words and grammatical/stylistic errors. Please be sure to have someone who is fluent in English and competent at editing admissions essays go over your personal statement (and possibly any other communications you have with medical schools).

Good luck.
What do you expect. They discouraged the hell out of me so I wasn't in my right mind to spell. My cGPA i said is going to be around 3.2 and sGPA around 2.9 probably. BUt I have a reason for why it was low due to getting sick
We really can’t advise you unless we have your cGPA and sGPA and even then it would only be speculation without your MCAT score.
Do you have any clinical experience and shadowing in America? The tutoring at the homeless shelter is good. How many hours do you have?

Come back when you have figured out your real GPAs and when you get your MCAT. Why do you want to apply this upcoming cycle? It might be better to put it off for a year or even longer. You only want to apply once with the best possible application.

All clinical experience is in the US, 100 hours in Armenia....
I'm 27 so can't really put it off any longer.
A bunch of people in my class, including me, were over 30 when we started. Your claim is invalid.

If you try to rush this process, you will regret it. Take the proper amount of time and do it correctly.

What do you expect. They discouraged the hell out of me so I wasn't in my right mind to spell. My cGPA i said is going to be around 3.2 and sGPA around 2.9 probably. BUt I have a reason for why it was low due to getting sick

Calculate your actual cGPA and sGPA and get back to us. Your sGPA is potentially lethal if it's actually under 3.0.
A bunch of people in my class, including me, were over 30 when we started. Your claim is invalid.

If you try to rush this process, you will regret it. Take the proper amount of time and do it correctly.

Calculate your actual cGPA and sGPA and get back to us. Your sGPA is potentially lethal if it's actually under 3.0.
I'm gonna apply!
You need to take a deep breath and slow down. You don't appear to have a good handle on what you're getting into and what you need to do.
I agree find out your actual stats not a ballpark that being said if your ballpark is 3.0 sgpa/cgpa and you’re not willing to take a year to fix then yes your chances are dead. I’m sorry to hear ur sick but it won’t make up for the grades honestly u should have taken a W. I’ve bad similar experience so I know how it goes
Are you against DO for some reason? Because you'd probably be ok to apply DO. If you really kill your MCAT though and and are considered URM you might be ok since you have an upward trend. Just pick your school list wisely with input from people on here once you get an MCAT score.

Like others mentioned though you might want to relax a little, take a step back and make sure your application will be as best as it can be before applying. If you rush it you'll just waste money so make sure your 100% ready.

Also it's ok to talk about your sickness but don't make it a pity party. Adcoms usually don't like so stories (I almost made this mistake before getting advice on here).
I agree find out your actual stats not a ballpark that being said if your ballpark is 3.0 sgpa/cgpa and you’re not willing to take a year to fix then yes your chances are dead. I’m sorry to hear ur sick but it won’t make up for the grades honestly u should have taken a W. I’ve bad similar experience so I know how it goes

people go through bad circumstances, and if you pick yourself up there's more to it than numbers. Especially if I get a great MCAT score it's not dead
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people go through bad circumstances, and if you pick yourself up there's more to it than numbers. Especially if I get a great MCAT score it's not dead
Why don’t you consider DO school?? Also, I started med school in my late 20s - it has made no difference. I would’ve waited a few more years if it were necessary. Several of my classmates are older than me as well and have been successful. Take the time to make sure you have a well-prepared application and well thought out school list.
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people go through bad circumstances, and if you pick yourself up there's more to it than numbers. Especially if I get a great MCAT score it's not dead
Yes there more to it than numbers but if you’re going to ask for advice that’s what you’re going to get. A 515 is not an easy score to get its ~ 94 percentile. Even if you were to score that high with your gpa just over half of applicants were accepted assuming your sgpa will be on par or higher. This is all assuming you’ll get a 515 if you were to get say get a 508 you’d have ~32 percentage chance of getting probably lower because of your sgpa. There’s always exceptions to the rule but I wouldn’t spend all that money on hoping a story will sell the adcoms. You have to get through a screen first....
I'm a CA resident.My CC gpa is 3.67, ended UCLA with 2.47 now taking UCLA extension courses. First 3 classes all straight A's and continuing this. I'm not sure but my cummulative would prob be around 3.2. I'm also applying disadvantaged and talking about the diagnosis. GOnna really focus to do really well on the MCAT 515. I have about 700 clinical experience, founded a premed club was the president, did like 4 months research, did a clinical volunteering in Armenia, shadowed a physician, tutored at homeless shelter, worked as a home health care provider etc.
Post your MCAT score here when available and I will suggest a list of schools you can apply to.
I'm gonna apply!
Then why did you bother to post?

Understand this- if your GPAs (especially your sGPA) are as low as you say you might not even pass the auto screen . If you don’t pass the auto screen, no matter how good your story is, nobody will see it. A 2.9 sGPA is very, very low for medical school. What do you have against DO? You MIGHT have a better chance with DO but they are getting more and more competitive every year. So...
I transferred from CC with 3.67 GPA to UCLA and there my grades collapsed and I went through depression anxiety and was diagnosed with Graves disease. I entered UCLA 2010 and graduated in 2015 after I was diagnosed my grades improved for like 7 classes ending with with A's and B's. Now I'm taking courses through UCLA extension for this whole year and wanting to apply this app cycle. I'm also prepping to take my MCATs soon.I'm an immigrant, came here when I was 10. Also disadvantaged. I contacted passport admissions and they totally discouraged me and where jerks. He told me MD was a long shot. I'm so upset. Even with a great MCAT score and upward trend with all A's in my classes for a whole year is it out of the questions. Please help I'm so lost and confused.
Read this:
Goro's advice for pre-meds who need reinvention
Goro thank you so much for that! I"m already doing my own DIY 1 year post bacc already finished first quarter with straight A's(3 courses). Need to do really well on the mcat, everywhere I've read seems that doing more practice is favored over content. Any other advice you have?
  • Do not take MCAT until you are 100% ready
  • Do not apply until you have the best possible app.
  • Engage in lots of service to others less fortunate than yourself.
  • Remember that it's a marathon now, not a sprint. Med schools aren't going anywhere.
  • EDIT: You will need DO schools on your list
  • Do not take MCAT until you are 100% ready
  • Do not apply until you have the best possible app.
  • Engage in lots of service to others less fortunate than yourself.
  • Remember that it's a marathon now, not a sprint. Med schools aren't going anywhere.
  • EDIT: You will need DO schools on your list
Well like I said above I'm going to apply this year with one year of post bac and upward trend.
So you're really not interested in any advice.
there's more to it than numbers and I don't really think I need more than a year of post bacc. I already have my community college grades of 2 years of straight A's. With a graet MCAT score and I"m studying hard and taking lots of practice tests I believe I can get into a couple places. Thanks!
Can I ask what the point of this thread was? You seem like you're going to apply and that your mind is set regardless what anyone says so how are you confused?
Point was someone on here also said what I thought that with an upward trend and competitive mcat score I can still have a shot at MD.
I transferred from CC with 3.67 GPA to UCLA and there my grades collapsed and I went through depression anxiety and was diagnosed with Graves disease. I entered UCLA 2010 and graduated in 2015(shouldve graduated 2012 but constantly withdrew because of what I was going through which was diagnosed graves) after I was diagnosed my grades improved for like 7 classes ending with with A's and B's. My UCLA cummulative is 2.4 with the last quarter ending with all A's and B's. Now I'm taking courses through UCLA extension for this whole year and wanting to apply this app cycle. So because I'm doing post bacc UCLA ext GPA is going to be factored into undergrad GPA.I'm also prepping to take my MCATs soon.I'm an immigrant, came here when I was 10. Also disadvantaged. I'm studying hard to get a great MCAT score. I"ve graduated from clinical care extender program with 300 hours, have plenty of shadowing experience, did 4 months research, tutor at homeless shelter, clinic volunteering in Armenia, organizing weekly doctors appointments for orphanage children there.
MCAT is the deciding factor once you have that advisement will be easier
Definitely think D.O.-- more forgiving of low undergrad GPA, you've got a lot going for you but even if you can get your GPA above a 3.0 and have a great MCAT, MD is gonna be tough.
Definitely think D.O.-- more forgiving of low undergrad GPA, you've got a lot going for you but even if you can get your GPA above a 3.0 and have a great MCAT, MD is gonna be tough.
I have a reason for the lower GPA and definitely didn't start low I started high at CC then dropped and rose back up. So this is definitely different than just a "low undergrad GPA"
Definitely think D.O.-- more forgiving of low undergrad GPA, you've got a lot going for you but even if you can get your GPA above a 3.0 and have a great MCAT, MD is gonna be tough.
DO you know which medical schools I can call and ask about this? And will they give an honest answer?
I have a reason for the lower GPA and definitely didn't start low I started high at CC then dropped and rose back up. So this is definitely different than just a "low undergrad GPA"

It's great to have a reason for grades and show that you're rising above it but the number straight up matters. Schools gets more applications than they can handle and if your numbers are low they might not get far enough into reading your app to see the reasons. Not sure what you mean about calling med schools to ask, you can PM me if you'd like, calling a med school probably isn't gonna yield you any usable info. D.O. programs are great, get the same job with the same opportunities, just more forgiving of that number.
DO you know which medical schools I can call and ask about this? And will they give an honest answer?
I don't know if I would call anyone without an MCAT score. Also, if you can get a letter from your MD confirming your Graves diagnosis, that would be helpful. In terms of schools, I would look at Western University in Pomona. It seems like you're Armenian and I know they have more than a few in their currently 1st year class.
I don't know if I would call anyone without an MCAT score. Also, if you can get a letter from your MD confirming your Graves diagnosis, that would be helpful. In terms of schools, I would look at Western University in Pomona. It seems like you're Armenian and I know they have more than a few in their currently 1st year class.
I do have the letter form the doctor. Also you gave me a DO school I was asking for MD's. Do you think with strong MCAT score it would be possible? Yes I am armenian
Here's some objective data

Table A-24: MCAT and GPA Grid for Applicants and Acceptees by Selected Race and Ethnicity, 2013-2014 through 2015-2016 (Aggregated) - Applicants and Matriculants Data - FACTS: Applicants, Matriculants, Enrollment, Graduates, MD/PhD, and Residency Applicants Data - Data and Analysis - AAMC

To help you get an idea of the kinds of GPA and MCAT scores and their respective acceptance rates. It's not impossible with a low GPA, but it gets very difficult. Just keep D.O. in mind early.
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Fair enough-- here's some objective data

To help you get an idea of the kinds of GPA and MCAT scores and their respective acceptance rates. It's not impossible with a low GPA, but it gets very difficult. Just keep D.O. in mind early.

I"m not clueless and I don't look at tables I consult MSAR and I have seen GPAs of 3.1-3.3 range
Fair enough-- here's some objective data

Table A-24: MCAT and GPA Grid for Applicants and Acceptees by Selected Race and Ethnicity, 2013-2014 through 2015-2016 (Aggregated) - Applicants and Matriculants Data - FACTS: Applicants, Matriculants, Enrollment, Graduates, MD/PhD, and Residency Applicants Data - Data and Analysis - AAMC

To help you get an idea of the kinds of GPA and MCAT scores and their respective acceptance rates. It's not impossible with a low GPA, but it gets very difficult. Just keep D.O. in mind early.
Why was I tagged?

I"m not clueless and I don't look at tables I consult MSAR and I have seen GPAs of 3.1-3.3 range
I do have the letter form the doctor. Also you gave me a DO school I was asking for MD's. Do you think with strong MCAT score it would be possible? Yes I am armenian
Don't come on a site asking for advice and then be critical of what you're given. Your post didn't specify MD and it's a bit confusing when you type Do as DO.
By the way, it's a major red flag for admissions committees to see your grades plummet after transferring to a 4 year university from a CC, since it implies that you can't handle the work there.
Yes, but OP has a medical diagnosis that supports her academic changes. Med schools take that into account and she would be wise to bring it up on her secondaries. It's also important that she continue to work hard in her post-bacc and show that it was, in fact, a temporary issue.
Yes, but OP has a medical diagnosis that supports her academic changes. Med schools take that into account and she would be wise to bring it up on her secondaries. It's also important that she continue to work hard in her post-bacc and show that it was, in fact, a temporary issue.
AND I ended UCLA with an upward trend.
Why was I tagged?

Don't come on a site asking for advice and then be critical of what you're given. Your post didn't specify MD and it's a bit confusing when you type Do as DO.
I understand that was an accident on my part. I figured that's what you thought. I wasn't critical I was simply saying I look at the MSAR since it gives more of a specific enlistment.
Yes, but OP has a medical diagnosis that supports her academic changes. Med schools take that into account and she would be wise to bring it up on her secondaries. It's also important that she continue to work hard in her post-bacc and show that it was, in fact, a temporary issue.

Even so, a 2.4 is a 2.4. That's very hard to overcome for MD schools. I'm not sure a year of extra work will be enough. Are you earning all As now, or a mix of A/B? What do you think your final GPA will look like?
Even so, a 2.4 is a 2.4. That's very hard to overcome for MD schools. I'm not sure a year of extra work will be enough. Are you earning all As now, or a mix of A/B? What do you think your final GPA will look like?
All A's. It's not 2.4 I have 3.67 from CC for 2 years then transferred to UCLA so GPA is going to be averaged between CC, UCLA and post bacc UCLA ext.
Why don't you just calculate what your actual GPA is which would make providing guidance easier.
MD will be tough given the GPA. A good MCAT score will be key! You do have a very understandable and acceptable (in my opinion) reason for your lower grades, but it may still be hard to get an admissions committee to even look at your application holistically. Unfortunately, separating people simply by MCAT and GPA is a simple and quick way for admissions committees to make decisions. I agree with some of the others here that you should at least keep DO in mind when applying! On a side note, if you post asking for people's opinions you should be open to those opinions even if you may not agree with them.
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