Medical Do I need to retake Chemistry 1?

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Mar 12, 2013
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Hi there. I am a pre-med student looking for advice. I took Chemistry 1 at a four year university and received a C-. I took two years off from college and decided to go back. So I took Chem 2 at a community college and got a B+. I am planning on taking Organic Chemistry 1 and 2 at a four year university where I will finish my Biology degree. My question is do I need to retake Chem 1 even though I did OK in Chem 2 and will be taking organic 1 and organic 2? Or does it not matter how I perform in Orgo 1 and 2, I still need at least a C in Chem 1?
Most schools only accept a “passing” grade of a C (meaning your C- would not count for a prerequisite for medical school and needs to be retaken).

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Thank you so much for the feedback! Does it matter when I take chem 1? Can it be after Orgo because I’m already enrolled in Orgo 1. Or will that look bad taking chem 1 after orgo 1 and 2?

The timing doesn't matter, but you just need to retake the course because your current grade isn't passing. Med schools won't care when you took it; they will typically only care that you took it and did well.
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