Do I need to take Orgo 2 before taking DAT?

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Oct 13, 2021
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Hi, I'm a pre-dental student, and I have some questions about what classes to take before taking DAT.
I took Gen. Chem 1 and 2, Bio 1, Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2 and Microbio 6-10 years ago.
I'm planning to take Bio 2, Orgo 1, and Biochem in Spring 2022 while studying for DAT and take DAT in June.
I heard that taking Orgo 2 is important before taking DAT.

So my questions are:
Do I need to take Orgo 2 before taking DAT?
Would it be possible to take Orgo 2 with one more science class without lab in the summer semester while studying for DAT?
If I take Orgo 2 in the summer semester, can I take DAT in August and submit the dental application with DAT score in September?
What other classes do you recommend to take before taking DAT?

Thank you very much guys!! :)

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I’ve seen this happen so many times, and it usually does not end well. Please take Orgo 2 before you start studying for the DAT, and please have designated time for studying for the DAT. Since you have not taken a lot of the sciences that will be on the DAT for years it will be even harder to study for the DAT. I recommend doing Orgo 2 in the summer, spend the fall refreshing yourself on the classes you took years ago in the following fall. At this point you would be in a more optimal position (granted they aren’t ideal). Here are your 2 choices. 1) Start studying for the DAT in the following winter and take it in May 2023 (downside is you’ll be studying while taking classes), OR 2) studying during the summer of 2023 and taking the DAT in August (downside is that you’ll be studying while applying). Ideally you should study with no distractions, but I find it best to study for the DAT within a year after taking Orgo 2. I’ll tell you this much. Your current plan of studying and taking the DAT + Taking Orgo 2 + Applying is a recipe for disaster. Is it possible to do well? Yes, but the likelihood of doing well in all 3 is slim-none. Please don’t spread yourself thin by rushing to apply. Dental school is not going anywhere.
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So I took the DAT this summer without having taken Orgo II. I scored a 22, so it is definitely possible, but will take work. I felt like I had a strong background from my Orgo I class and built upon that. I studied for 8 weeks while taking biochem at the same time. I generally devoted 2 hrs a day to just orgo and studied using booster, destroyer and chads prep. I'm a nontraditional as well and I was determined to do whatever it took to apply this cycle. I probably could have scored better if I had taken Orgo II beforehand, but the DAT does not go super in depth and I'm glad I took the road I'm on. Just be honest with yourself and your abilities. See how you fare in Orgo I and then you can make a better informed decision on how you will be able to handle the load, or what adjustments you need to make to your schedule.
In short, no, but it helps.

I took Orgo II in the spring of 2018. I scored a 19 OC on my first DAT attempt in January 2021 and on my second DAT attempt I scored a 20 OC in July 2021. I really just think it depends on how strong of a foundation you build in Orgo I and how much time and effort you invest in practice problems using certain prep material.
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Thank you so much for all your replies! I would never have known if you guys didn't reply me. Thank you a lot and have a blessing day! :)
Hi, I'm a pre-dental student, and I have some questions about what classes to take before taking DAT.
I took Gen. Chem 1 and 2, Bio 1, Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2 and Microbio 6-10 years ago.
I'm planning to take Bio 2, Orgo 1, and Biochem in Spring 2022 while studying for DAT and take DAT in June.
I heard that taking Orgo 2 is important before taking DAT.

So my questions are:
Do I need to take Orgo 2 before taking DAT?
Would it be possible to take Orgo 2 with one more science class without lab in the summer semester while studying for DAT?
If I take Orgo 2 in the summer semester, can I take DAT in August and submit the dental application with DAT score in September?
What other classes do you recommend to take before taking DAT?

Thank you very much guys!! :)

From your post it appears you are a nontraditional student and have been out of school for a while. You have been away from General Chemistry for a long while so depending on what you retained you will need to do some serious review. I am not sure but you might want to check and make sure dental schools will accept your classes from 10 years ago. Here is a link for nontraditional students that you might find helpful Info on Career change, non traditional .

As far as Orgo 2, it is always best to have completed both Orgo 1 and 2, but some students have been able to self teach Orgo2 and succeed but that is a tall order. You have a lot in front of you, I would definitely focus on your classes and keep as high as GPA as possible, that is very important for acceptance into dental school.

Don't' rush to take the DAT, unfortunately that often ends in a retake. Prepare the first time and take it once.

Hope that helps and I would be happy to answer any other questions.

Nancy, co/owner, Destroyers