DO Personal Statement Content

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2+ Year Member
Apr 2, 2020
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I have written my personal statement for my AMCAS application, which talks generally about why I want to be a doctor, but I was wondering if can use it for my AACOMAS. Should I change the personal statement to include things about osteopathy or should I leave my personal statement as is to be more general and then talk about osteopathy in my secondaries?

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I used pretty much the same personal statement for both, and I received interviews. Maybe you'd have an increased chance of being invited for an interview and being accepted if you articulate why DO in your PS, but I was okay without expressing that, at least in my PS. Haven't gotten accepted yet though.
I have written my personal statement for my AMCAS application, which talks generally about why I want to be a doctor, but I was wondering if can use it for my AACOMAS. Should I change the personal statement to include things about osteopathy or should I leave my personal statement as is to be more general and then talk about osteopathy in my secondaries?
People do this all the time. The only thing they change is the sentence ...and that's why I want to be an osteopathic doctor." They just add the one word. But for God's sake, don't use the name of the MD school you applied to! That's a good way to get rejected.