Do vet schools look at AP scores?

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May 4, 2017
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I am a current senior and I recently took the AP chemistry test. My college will accept either a 4 or a 5 for the same credit, so theoretically I could get a 4 and still place into the same courses as I would with a 5. I was wondering if colleges look at AP scores that placed a student out of a course, such as Gen Chem. Would a 4 that placed me out of a course reflect poorly when I go to apply to vet school? Thank you in advance!

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I am a current senior and I recently took the AP chemistry test. My college will accept either a 4 or a 5 for the same credit, so theoretically I could get a 4 and still place into the same courses as I would with a 5. I was wondering if colleges look at AP scores that placed a student out of a course, such as Gen Chem. Would a 4 that placed me out of a course reflect poorly when I go to apply to vet school? Thank you in advance!

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Whenever you submit your AP scores to your undergraduate institution, they'll give you credit accordingly if you have the necessary score. Veterinary schools will never see your AP scores on your transcript, they'll only see that you were credited for that class. Whether it shows the credit was by AP examination or not is dependent on the undergraduate institution.
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Whenever you submit your AP scores to your undergraduate institution, they'll give you credit accordingly if you have the necessary score. Veterinary schools will never see your AP scores on your transcript, they'll only see that you were credited for that class. Whether it shows the credit was by AP examination or not is dependent on the undergraduate institution.

Thank you for this! I'm just a little confused because I just saw on Cornell's site it says "AP credits with a grade of 4 or higher, are accepted. Scores should be sent from the College Board directly to us using code 4818" under the General chemistry requirement section.

Prerequisite Courses | Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
Thank you for this! I'm just a little confused because I just saw on Cornell's site it says "AP credits with a grade of 4 or higher, are accepted. Scores should be sent from the College Board directly to us using code 4818" under the General chemistry requirement section.

Prerequisite Courses | Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine
That means that they will accept any courses waived by your undergrad due to AP courses/tests. I would clarify whether they want a copy of the official AP score or not...I never had to supply the official scores but it does sound like they want to see a copy.
I did not apply to Cornell, but I did have courses that were "waived" for AP score at the vet school that I did apply to. The only thing I wanted to add (which is a little off topic) is that my undergraduate institution includes my AP score on my transcript. For example, there is a section at the top of my undergrad transcript titled "College Board AP Exam". In that section, it lists the subject, course, and title for the course at the University that I got credit for and where "grade" would be for my regular coursework, they included my AP exam score instead. I found this to be helpful in the past when I have needed the score (not for vet school, but for another program).

Obviously, not all schools do this, but you could ask if your undergraduate school includes the score on your transcript just for your own knowledge (might help you in the future if your score sheet isn't handy, but your online transcript is). If not, it's obviously no big deal as hardly anyone asks for the actual score after your undergrad gives you credit for it.
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Mrssov is away for a week in or two in July. I am thinking maybe i will run cat sanctuary then...not that i have much spare time but having it ready to go and catching dust for a year is unforgivable.

When i have the exact dates i will let you know. I am sure ww has evolved... But this an homage to my roots anyway. Play for nostalgia.

I will put up sign ups way early. Original prevet ww-ers will get first crack bur i doubt many of them are around anymore....kind of like me.
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Mrssov is away for a week in or two in July. I am thinking maybe i will run cat sanctuary then...not that i have much spare time but having it ready to go and catching dust for a year is unforgivable.

When i have the exact dates i will let you know. I am sure ww has evolved... But this an homage to my roots anyway. Play for nostalgia.

I will put up sign ups way early. Original prevet ww-ers will get first crack bur i doubt many of them are around anymore....kind of like me.

I think you are confused at which thread you are in. :laugh:
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I'm probably an outlier but I was asked about my AP courses in at least one interview. It was more along the lines of asking how I graduated college at such a young age, though, and how many AP credits did I have versus other things.
I was this the WW theme or something? Seemed odd...:laugh:
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I could probably do a speed WW "AP" themed since it is a rainy day and I am just hanging out with the little ones.

Anyone interested?

AP Chem

AP Calc

AP English

AP History
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I would looooove to, but what Trilt said. :(

I think I'd be too torn about whether to sign up under AP History or AP Chem anyways, so it's probably for the best
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oh man. temptations. but I need to pack. :(

I would definitely sign up for AP Chem for the record. AP History actually ruined my life. Worst class ever.
Needs more AP Bio. But I get no say since I'll be too busy and won't have wifi access for most of the day
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I'm, I'm all alone. I guess this is what it is to have complete freedom to have the beers popped by noon and eating/ watching/ playing what I want. So very sad. At least I have my cats and dogs.
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AP Chem
1- Lupin


AP Calc
1- genny

2- Coopah :biglove:
3- AM

AP English
1- WZ


AP History
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Any chance this will be starting in the evening?
At this point it is not likely to occur.. but you never know..

I probably won't be able to play until around 8PM EDT depending on how long I'm at a party, but I can tag more people if you want to start earlier.
I wish I could :arghh: Finals week... ugh
Sorry I missed this, I was at my nephew's graduation party yesterday and then went to see Guardians of the Galaxy!
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