Do you wear scrubs everyday in dental school?

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Jul 7, 2017
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Just curious. When are scrubs mandatory? Is it only for clinic? Or do you start wearing scrubs for didactic classes 1st and 2nd year too?

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My class is Navy scrubs everyday for 4 years.
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Dress code at UCLA: For classes, whatever you want. For preclinical lab, whatever long pants you got + closed toe shoes. For clinic + lab, ceil blue scrubs + closed toe shoes.
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Dress code at UCLA: For classes, whatever you want. For preclinical lab, whatever long pants you got + closed toe shoes. For clinic + lab, ceil blue scrubs + closed toe shoes.
Same here. Scrubs are only required for clinic. Some people wore them for pre-clinical lab, but it wasn't required.
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Are there any programs that don’t require a certain color of scrubs?
Scrubs required whenever we are on campus. Green scrubs required in the clinic, any color in lab.
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Class scrubs in lab and pre-clinic/clinic, no dress code for lectures
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My school was scrubs or business casual in sim lab and clinical. Colors didn’t matter. We had bright pink, salmon, orange, yellow scrub wearers. Class was whatever you wanted.

Went to a school interview where the dress code was professional attire for all 4 years, no matter the situation. They wanted to stress the importance of “looking like a professional.”
Thank goodness I wasn’t accepted. Probably would have gone absolutely mad. Put me with the rest of the “unprofessional” frumpy scrub wearing crew!
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Scrubs in clinic, casual wear for lectures. But I just worse scrubs for everything since it was easier and more comfortable.
We have to wear business causal for lectures and clinic at UNE! We only wear scrubs on 4th year externships and anatomy lab lol
I like wearing scrubs. We didn't have to wear them for our didactic lectures, but all the time other than that. You could wear any color or type.

I will continue wearing scrubs in practice I think. Its way easier than professional clothes
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Just curious. When are scrubs mandatory? Is it only for clinic? Or do you start wearing scrubs for didactic classes 1st and 2nd year too?
Depends on the school. MOSDOH is business casual or scrubs for D1/D2 then scrubs for D3/D4
My school has us wear our scrubs whenever we’re in the building so didactic, lab, and eventually clinic. We at least get our choice of 3 colors we can wear: grey, red, and black.
Honestly they are pretty comfy and feel like pajamas so we don’t mind. We can wear whatever sweatshirts or things over them if the rooms are cold
I like wearing less thing to worry about...having to wear business casual everyday would annoy the hell out of me. I appreciate that every class at my school has their own scrub color, makes identifying people easier for everyone.
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