Does a late committee letter hold back the application?

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7+ Year Member
Aug 1, 2014
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My school does not start writing the committee letter until after you submit your application. They say it takes about a month to write it. According to one advisor, the committee letter does not hold back the application and it still gets sent to schools without the committee letter. I'm questioning that because he did not seem to know that much about the AADSAS application. Does anyone know for sure if it still gets sent to schools or will it not be sent to schools until after they upload the letter?

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what? I assumed some schools won't even consider your application for review until it is complete then you need all LOE
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The application will be sent, but I cant think of a single school that will review it and offer an interview until your LOR's are all recieved. My application was submitted by me on the 6th, and I got emails from 9/10 schools (only excluding Harvard) that my application was received, incomplete, and put on hold because my committee letter was not submitted. As of last week my letter was sent in, and less than 24 hours later I got emails saying that my application was under review.

Best of luck to you. A not so great pre-prof committee is something that many of us have to struggle through. Don't get down on yourself, and be the fly in their ear.
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Of course it holds you back, adcom won't even look at your application until everything is in...
See above--I'm starting to regret pushing my LOR writers to submit their letters though. I asked them to submit on the 2nd of June way back in April, but nobody did. I sent a polite email on about mid last month reminding them of the deadline and rolling admissions, but I'm starting to wonder if even that was too much.
I requested my letters in February and they were still late lol.... I asked for them to be in by May (because TMDSAS opens in May) and they didn't have it done until June 14th. I would periodically stop by their office maybe 2-3 times during the semester and once during the summer and I sent like 1-2 emails to greet them during the holidays but I kept it very conservative and tried not to be very pushy about the letter and deadlines.
So if I was to submit my application Monday and it gets sent out this week but the committee letter is not finished until first week of August, would my application be considered late?
So if I was to submit my application Monday and it gets sent out this week but the committee letter is not finished until first week of August, would my application be considered late?
No school is going to look at your app until your committee letter is in and the rest of your app is complete.
So if I was to submit my application Monday and it gets sent out this week but the committee letter is not finished until first week of August, would my application be considered late?

First week of August would not be "late" but some schools are already sending out interview invites. I don't know how well you know the committee members but I would suggest that you gather official information from the website about how and when to submit and let them know they are putting their students at a disadvantage with their policy, as nicely as possible of course.