Does TMDSAS change your course classification right after you submit?

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Jun 4, 2017
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So I just submitted my TMDSAS application, and I noticed that my undergrad BCPM GPA is much lower than I thought. Turns out many of my upper-division science classes (neuroscience, evolution, etc.) were classified as "Other Science" rather than "Biology," which makes my BCPM GPA look much lower because I got As in most of those classes.

Does anyone know if TMDSAS automatically reclassifies some courses? Because I'm 99% certain I classified these as "Biology."

Furthermore, does TMDSAS/do medical schools look at all of your coursework and reclassify it based on what they think each course should be categorized as? If so, I guess it wouldn't really matter what I put or what it says now. But obviously I'm still worried about it so I'd appreciate anyone's insights on this!

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Since the TMDSAS handbook states course classification is based on the "primary content of the course," if you feel that those classes should be classified under BCPM, then it might help if you send TMDSAS an email with the description of the courses from the school's course catalog or a jpeg of the description to help them "determine the correct course area."
