Double degree : Chem. engineering VS Marketing

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Jul 30, 2021
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Hello everyone ! I hope you're all doing well and please pardon me if my post doesn't belong here.

First of all I'd like to underline the fact that I'm a European pharmacy student (2nd year). My goal is to settle in North America and to work in the industry. One of the opportunities that is given by my university is to become a pharmacist-chemical engineer (like a double degree). Another one is to complete a Master's degree in Marketing in addition to the PharmD.

Would a pharmacist-chemical engineer be in higher demand compared to a pharmacist in Marketing ? Which path is more likely to lead to a rewarding career ? By rewarding career I mean a career in which I can evolve quickly and take more responsibilities, have a good salary without necessarily working on the weekends. Should I just try to become a hospital pharmacist instead ?

Sorry if my questions sound stupid but I don't know much about quite a lot of things. If you have other suggestions please feel free to share (unless you're going to tell me to get into medical school instead of pharmacy). Thank you in advance.

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do chem E. No one will give a **** about your pharmacy degree in combination of anything. Just pretend it doesn't exist.
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do chem E. No one will give a **** about your pharmacy degree in combination of anything. Just pretend it doesn't exist.
Thanks for your answer. Actually I can't just do chem engineering alone since I already enrolled in pharmacy school, so it would be chem E AND pharmacy
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Thanks for your answer. Actually I can't just do chem engineering alone since I already enrolled in pharmacy school, so it would be chem E AND pharmacy
who is holding a gun to your head and telling you need to do pharmacy school? How do you expect to do both?
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who is holding a gun to your head and telling you need to do pharmacy school? How do you expect to do both?
I really do want to become a pharmacist, an additional degree in chemE would be the cherry on top should I say ? And getting this chemE degree is really manageable too in my country, it's like having extra classes for 2 years and that's it
I really do want to become a pharmacist, an additional degree in chemE would be the cherry on top should I say ? And getting this chemE degree is really manageable too in my country, it's like having extra classes for 2 years and that's it
ok. I just think its a waste of time doing both if your goal is to practice in america. You do you.
ok. I just think its a waste of time doing both if your goal is to practice in america. You do you.
Then do you think it's enough to just stick to pharmacy in order to get a decent job in the industry ?
Then do you think it's enough to just stick to pharmacy in order to get a decent job in the industry ?
If you want a decent job in industry, get a PhD, law, or business degree. PharmDs with decent industry jobs typically were fortunate enough to land a fellowship.
Then do you think it's enough to just stick to pharmacy in order to get a decent job in the industry ?

If industry is your goal then a PhD would be your best choice. The vast majority of PharmDs end up in retail (or unemployeD), which in your case would be a waste. Very few PharmDs actually make it to industry.
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If industry is your goal then a PhD would be your best choice. The vast majority of PharmDs end up in retail (or unemployeD), which in your case would be a waste. Very few PharmDs actually make it to industry.
Would a PhD in an American university have a higher value than a European one for someone who wants to practice in Canada ? Or maybe the location doesn't matter ?
All manufacturing is being offshored. Mylan Pharmaceuticals in Morgantown, WV literally shuts down today. All of their chemical engineering jobs are going to India. Marketing will always have a place, though.
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All manufacturing is being offshored. Mylan Pharmaceuticals in Morgantown, WV literally shuts down today. All of their chemical engineering jobs are going to India. Marketing will always have a place, though.
Thank you that's a really interesting information !!
All manufacturing is being offshored. Mylan Pharmaceuticals in Morgantown, WV literally shuts down today. All of their chemical engineering jobs are going to India. Marketing will always have a place, though.
Yup, the bean counters will always make sure their fiefdoms are secured.
All manufacturing is being offshored. Mylan Pharmaceuticals in Morgantown, WV literally shuts down today. All of their chemical engineering jobs are going to India. Marketing will always have a place, though.
it's time for UBI.
Thanks for your answer. Actually I can't just do chem engineering alone since I already enrolled in pharmacy school, so it would be chem E AND pharmacy

Do you want a job? Do chemical engineering or marketing. Pharmacy degree is almost useless now.
You should be asking your academic advisors about this. Is your pharmacy degree a Bologna process equivalent? If not, you will have a very hard time going to Canada or the US as the degree will not be considered equivalent. If you are going for graduate training, again it is a Bologna process equivalence issue, but also, if a PhD, it has to be ERASMUS+ qualified within the EU. If you are Swiss, then you are a special region for ERASMUS and Bologna and won't have an issue with equivalence.

But multiple undergraduates are useless. Pick one, stick with it. Your graduate topic and degree is more defining for industry.
To summarize: Pharmacy Sucks. Just say NO.
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