double majoring plus minor?

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Sep 13, 2021
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i'd like to double major in chemistry and a humanities subject (strongly considering sociology or english), and i'd like to minor in spanish. is this overkill? i also obviously want to shadow, volunteer, keep my gpa up, study for the dat, etc. i'm not doing this just to look good or whatever lmao. i'm very interested in the humanities (was initially planning to solely study them in undergrad). i do have a more practical/professional interest into spanish tbh (very useful for health personnel anywhere in the us, but especially where i live), but i also do enjoy the language from my very limited studies of it in the past. i also enjoy chemistry and think it's a good major for pre-dent :).

is this too much to handle, though? do u rec that i do this or choose a more simple academic load and focus more on extracurricular stuff?

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Take it from someone who interviews predents and is involved with admissions, focus on extracurriculars. Your time is better spent there than taking on extra course work so you can say you double majored or have a minor.
As someone who did double major (bio & chem) with a minor in theology, I can confidently say that it's not going to give you a step up.
I did it because I came into college with a bunch of credits from dual-credit high school courses. I had a full ride for four years and didn't think I was mature enough to start dental school at 20yo so I added the second major and minor just to fill my course load for that fourth year of college.

But it you have to sacrifice shadowing/volunteer/extracurricular to take those extra courses, don't do it