DrPH/PhD Acceptances

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Feb 5, 2010
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I know there's a few of us waiting to hear from doctorate programs, but they seem to get lost in the overall Acceptances thread.

Feel free to post your acceptances/decisions here. Good luck!

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First decision/rejection came in this morning from Harvard (SD). One down, 5 to go. ::sigh::
Rejection from the DrPH at Harvard on the feb 26th.
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accepted to UC Berkeley DrPH 2/25.
I'm 99% sure that I'll be attending the University of Arizona for the DrPH in Health Policy and Management...I'm just waiting to hear more specifics on funding.

Good luck to all!
Hi everyone,

I applied for Fall 2010 admission to the new online DrPH program at UIC. Anyone else apply? Hear anything?
I'm 99% sure that I'll be attending the University of Arizona for the DrPH in Health Policy and Management...I'm just waiting to hear more specifics on funding.

Good luck to all!

Accepted at UA for DrPH Health Policy & Management too. Congrats, Varekai!
Accepted at UA for DrPH Health Policy & Management too. Congrats, Varekai!

Congrats to you, as well, Community Health! Do you think you'll attend UA, or will you be heading elsewhere?

If UA, did you figure out what you'll do for housing? I think I may end up in grad housing for the first year... I'm coming from the NE part of country, and while I visited Tucson to meet with faculty, I'm a bit nervous about picking a place off craigslist without getting a feel for the different neighborhoods.
Hi Guys,

Accepted to the DrPH at the University of Pittsburgh GSPH. Really excited about that. This forum has really been useful during the long wait. Thanks for all the info Guys and all the best to you all!
I've decided that will be applying to NYMC and UMDNJ DrPH program next fall. What kind of careers do u guys want with your DrPH? are you looking to be hospital administrators or more academic? Also how much work experience (yrs and type) do you guys have?
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I've decided that will be applying to NYMC and UMDNJ DrPH program next fall. What kind of careers do u guys want with your DrPH? are you looking to be hospital administrators or more academic? Also how much work experience (yrs and type) do you guys have?

I've heard great things about both programs, Kauldron. Good luck!

I'd like to work for an NGO that focuses on migration and health - one that offers both health program design/implementation/evaluation and advocacy-related opportunities.

I don't have heaps of experience like some people looking at DrPH programs, but after undergrad, I worked for a couple of years in Thailand with a local nonprofit (focusing on HIV/AIDS and youth). After this, I worked on an MA in international peace & conflict resolution (during which I interned in Kenya with one of the regional UN bodies for six months), and then an MPH in Community Health (during this I stayed in the area - my practicum was with a refugee resettlement agency). After completing the MPH, I began working with a health and human rights organization - focusing on immigration detention policy.

My experience has kind of been all over the place, so I'm excited to be able to use migration as an umbrella to pull these things together a bit more.

Are you applying for Fall 2010, Kauldron?
Interviewing at GWU tomorrow. I had a prelim. interview today with the program director, but was wondering if anyone else has applied/interviewed and can offer any insight about what to expect. Thanks!
Hello Everyone!

I stumbled upon this page by accident, but think it's a great forum!

I have been accepted into USF's DrPH in Global Health Practice, Berkeley's DrPH, Hopkins DrPH in International Health and UCLA's PhD in Environmental Health Sciences. I am still waiting to hear from Pitt's Infectious Diseases and Microbiology PhD program as I was put on the waitlist.

Decisions are due this week and I am really struggling with where to go next year. It's been a really hard decision for a number of reasons including funding, flexibility and structure of the program, and geographic location.

I guess it's a good problem to have...anyways, something will come this week.

@ Sevogose - have you accepted Berkeley's offer or are you going somewhere else? I would love to chat with you regarding your decision.
I've decided that will be applying to NYMC and UMDNJ DrPH program next fall. What kind of careers do u guys want with your DrPH? are you looking to be hospital administrators or more academic? Also how much work experience (yrs and type) do you guys have?

I am looking to become a laboratory director - public health or clinical however my long term goal is a leadership position addressing laboratory diagnostics issues in the area of HIV.

I am 9 years post MPH (it was really hard for me to make this decision) and for the past 6.5 years have been working in a national non-profit that deals with public health laboratory issues. The first 4.5 years I led their domestic HIV, STD, TB and Viral Hepatitis areas while the last 2 years have been working with core laboratory infrastructure and capacity building activities in a global setting.

Kauldron, what are your plans with a DrPH?
Hello Everyone!
@ Sevogose - have you accepted Berkeley's offer or are you going somewhere else? I would love to chat with you regarding your decision.

@Tubotony - yup, I accepted their offer, it was the only school I applied to. Sort of had all my eggs in one basket there... I applied there because they host a specific training grant from the state government that is intended to train doctoral level scientists to work in their state public health laboratories - this is the program. UCLA also has the same grant, but I don't want to live in LA. It is sort of odd that the DrPH program hosts this lab-based training grant, I always thought most people in DrPH programs were more focused on the management/business/policy side of things. did you apply there for the LabAspire program as well? It seems we have rather similar interests and I heard there was one other DrPH applicant offered a spot on the grant for next fall. My bachelor's is in Molecular Bio, but I just finished up my MPH in Epi, so I view public health laboratory work as a nice way to combine both the fields I am interested in.
Indeed...and I have heard of you too! HAHA small world! I am looking at both the UCLA and Berkeley programs and am really having a hard time with my decision. We should definitely chat sometime soon if you have some time. It would be cool to go through this with someone!
Indeed...and I have heard of you too! HAHA small world! I am looking at both the UCLA and Berkeley programs and am really having a hard time with my decision. We should definitely chat sometime soon if you have some time. It would be cool to go through this with someone!

the internet can be a pleasantly small world at times! why don't you give me a ring. I will private message you my cell number - I am around tonight if you have some time to chat.
Accepted to the DrPH at GW Health Policy
CommunityHealth, congrats on GW, did you get your formal acceptance letter yet?
after much deliberation, finally accepted Berkeley DrPH today.