Duke Endo Fellowship

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Endocrinologist (MD, PhD)
10+ Year Member
7+ Year Member
15+ Year Member
Aug 6, 2004
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Does anyone know about the Duke Endocrinology fellowship Prog? Do they only like people from Duke IM and also how do they feel about green card (perm resi)?

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There are no Duke Fellows on this site???
endodoc said:
There are no Duke Fellows on this site???

I'm sure there are people on this site from Duke. I just don't think there are any endocrine fellows on this site. If you were to ask me about the endocrine fellowship at my own hospital, I would have absolutely no idea what it's like. The only people IMO who can answer your question are in endocrine, since they tend to know about most of the endocrine programs.
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AJM said:
I'm sure there are people on this site from Duke. I just don't think there are any endocrine fellows on this site. If you were to ask me about the endocrine fellowship at my own hospital, I would have absolutely no idea what it's like. The only people IMO who can answer your question are in endocrine, since they tend to know about most of the endocrine programs.

I agree with you, but we do not have a endo thread here, and since Endo is a sub of IM I figured this was the place... When did Endo leave IM as a sub?? Forgive me for being a bit pissed, but we have people asking questions about if they can take there dog to their residency, I would think it is fine to bring up a real "medical" question.
endodoc said:
I agree with you, but we do not have a endo thread here, and since Endo is a sub of IM I figured this was the place... When did Endo leave IM as a sub?? Forgive me for being a bit pissed, but we have people asking questions about if they can take there dog to their residency, I would think it is fine to bring up a real "medical" question.

look out everyone, it's a pissed off endocrinologist...

you need to be able to read as well as adjust insulin. AJM's post wasn't knocking you. she was explaining why you weren't getting any replies - no Duke endo fellows on the site (presumably). you posted in the correct forum.

and no, you can't bring your dog to Duke, *******, unless you dress it in saddle shoes and white pants.

P Diddy
P Diddy said:
look out everyone, it's a pissed off endocrinologist...

you need to be able to read as well as adjust insulin. AJM's post wasn't knocking you. she was explaining why you weren't getting any replies - no Duke endo fellows on the site (presumably). you posted in the correct forum.

and no, you can't bring your dog to Duke, *******, unless you dress it in saddle shoes and white pants.

P Diddy

I know what her point was, but I didnt agree. Go back and look some of the stupid questions on these forums, mine I think was on target for here.

I thought you are no longer P Diddy, didn't you join the ranks of Prince, and you are now just Diddy... Keep your "*******" remarks to yourself. I am only trying to get a answer.

For everyone else, go back and look at "P Diddy's" prior posts. He/she likes to knock others.
Okay, lets leave the pissing contest for the Lounge.

Endodoc, your original post was completely appropriate for this forum, since the forum is for IM and the IM subspecialties. I think it's very unfortunate that there aren't many (if any) endocrine fellows who visit this site. It would be nice to get some representation from all the subspecialties, but it is very dependent on who visits here and who actively posts.

So I'll make this request to you all: If anyone knows any endocrine fellows or residents who matched in endocrine, please ask them if they would be interested in giving their insight/advice on this forum. We would be eternally grateful! :)
endodoc said:
I know what her point was, but I didnt agree. Go back and look some of the stupid questions on these forums, mine I think was on target for here.

I thought you are no longer P Diddy, didn't you join the ranks of Prince, and you are now just Diddy... Keep your "*******" remarks to yourself. I am only trying to get a answer.

For everyone else, go back and look at "P Diddy's" prior posts. He/she likes to knock others.

lighten up. humor is as important as literacy in medicine, and you could use instruction in both.

if you read my post, you saw that I wrote 'you posted in the correct forum.' I didn't think your question was stupid at all, just that your reading comprehension skills need some work.

Diddy (point well taken)
P Diddy said:
lighten up. humor is as important as literacy in medicine, and you could use instruction in both.

if you read my post, you saw that I wrote 'you posted in the correct forum.' I didn't think your question was stupid at all, just that your reading comprehension skills need some work.

Diddy (point well taken)

I was just busting chops.. I am Q3 now, so my humor was short at that time. I jsut want to see some stats on Endo fellows. Not even just at Duke, so if you have info let me know..

endodoc said:
I was just busting chops.. I am Q3 now, so my humor was short at that time. I jsut want to see some stats on Endo fellows. Not even just at Duke, so if you have info let me know..


no worries. I always liked being Q3 because I never knew what was real and what was hallucination. unfortunately i know little about endocrinology and even less about fellowship. I do know that Stanford's fellowship takes a lot of Stanford residents but also people from places like St. Luke's NY and UTSW. I believe there is also a green card holder this year.

check out http://endocrinology.stanford.edu/education/fellows.html

P Diddy
P Diddy said:
no worries. I always liked being Q3 because I never knew what was real and what was hallucination. unfortunately i know little about endocrinology and even less about fellowship. I do know that Stanford's fellowship takes a lot of Stanford residents but also people from places like St. Luke's NY and UTSW. I believe there is also a green card holder this year.

check out http://endocrinology.stanford.edu/education/fellows.html

P Diddy
Thanks Diddy. I think we are going to try to stay on the east coast. Maybe as fgar west as Denver, but that is a 3 year endo fellow. Since I have PhD already 1 extra year of research is not worth my time. It is time to get out and start a practice and not do bence research in some lab.. Stanford is nice, but costly to live. We have 2 kids, so we need a house, or a big apartment.