Duke Medical Student is going to Rio

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What the hell, I have never felt so inadequate in my entire life.
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Obviously impressive to be in the Olympics; with that said, what year is she, and why does she think the average EM career is a high stress? I'd think she'd be in her preclinicals to make that assumption.
Was an athlete at Duke at the same time Abby was competing collegiately and in her prior olympics. Very nice, works very hard at both crafts. Will be excited to see how she does again
She is really pretty too o_O Some people have it all haha
She is really pretty too o_O Some people have it all haha

Not really lol..you need to get out more if you think she's "really pretty."
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Meh, the beginning of Duke's third year isn't exactly known for its intensity.
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Threads like these are a great reminder of what a bunch of misanthropic tools many of the posters here are. Half the comments so far are bashing her accomplishments...she's already accomplished more academically than 90% of you, to say nothing of the whole...you know...olympics thing.
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Threads like these are a great reminder of what a bunch of misanthropic tools many of the posters here are. Half the comments so far are bashing her accomplishments...she's already accomplished more academically than 90% of you, to say nothing of the whole...you know...olympics thing.

You talking about me?
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I mean it's an impressive feat but she's a glutton for pain (there's plenty of those in the world). I don't see a point in groveling over her achievements - if she can do it all, more power to her but I'm not personally affected either way.
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Damn. I feel so insufficient haha. Good on her for being able to do all this!
That said I'm surprised she hasn't blown a gasket (or an artery) with the amount of sheer pressure she must be under just /trying/ to juggle her activities around. I hope it doesn't come to that tho
I mean it's an impressive feat but she's a glutton for pain (there's plenty of those in the world). I don't see a point in groveling over her achievements - if she can do it all, more power to her but I'm not personally affected either way.

so butthurt...she owns you
so butthurt...she owns you

Not really. I KNOW I can't compete at the Olympic level - no motivation or genetic predisposition for that life. It'd be like getting butt hurt I can't hoop in the NBA - it's not like I secretly have the skill but choose to do this science ish.
I gathered that she is a diver. Does anyone know what training is like for that? Is it tons of cardio? I imagine they have insane cores.
I realized she was my superior as soon as she said "I never press the snooze button.."
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I have to tell my alarm to limit the number of snoozes allowed. Otherwise I'd be snoozing all morning.

haha yes, I'm also a chronic snoozer. it can be a debilitating condition
Obviously impressive to be in the Olympics; with that said, what year is she, and why does she think the average EM career is a high stress? I'd think she'd be in her preclinicals to make that assumption.

She said it's high pressure (as a career), which it is. The high stress part was added by the reporter who wrote the article and was most likely artistic license.
Abby is the best. It's absolutely crazy to me how many of you judge her when in person she is one of the nicest, most humble people you could ever meet. She is going to the Olympics (again), already has a silver, is going to be a doctor from a school with a good reputation... some of you must just be jealous. She is damn impressive.

In case anyone was wondering, she was able to switch around the research year and clinical year so she had more time for training.
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Meh, the beginning of Duke's third year isn't exactly known for its intensity.

What do you mean? Duke's third year is a research year, just like any research year you could take at any other school.
>She would get out of class around noon, run to the pool, train, then return to school. Now, in her second year, she trains three to four hours a day, six days a week, and devotes at least six hours a day to medical school, including time on weekends.

This part hurts my insides after finishing two years of mandatory attendance until 4-5pm
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Good for her. Been actually contemplating trying to continue professional tennis while in med school. Anyone on here bashing her is either jealous or just ignorant to what it takes to pull that off.