Dukes Anonymous :)

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What is it, exactly? I opened the link, but am too lazy to poke around more than superficially -- ironic, considering I have NOTHING TO DO! Hahah. But why don't you just tell me, Bunny?!?

OK, signing off this thing now. Catch y'all tonight!

This American Life is a radio show that features a whole bunch of stories centered around one theme (each show is a different theme). There's a huge range in the kinds of stories that they tell- some are funny, some are incredibly sad, some leave you reflecting for days, some are just simply entertaining. I'd recommend starting with 20 Acts in 60 Minutes (where, instead of having a couple segments centered around a theme, they had a whole bunch of much shorter stories with no particular common theme), Babysitting, or Simulated Worlds.

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This American Life is a radio show that features a whole bunch of stories centered around one theme (each show is a different theme). There's a huge range in the kinds of stories that they tell- some are funny, some are incredibly sad, some leave you reflecting for days, some are just simply entertaining. I'd recommend starting with 20 Acts in 60 Minutes (where, instead of having a couple segments centered around a theme, they had a whole bunch of much shorter stories with no particular common theme), Babysitting, or Simulated Worlds.

i loooooove This American Life. I hope we both end up at Duke so we can talk about it all the time.
I heard that yall probably wouldnt know until the Monday after the 15th. It's just not feasible as far as the timeline for people to know before then I think since the 15th is like a Thurs or Fri or something. Although, I can't really say for sure... this is just what I surmise.
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I heard that yall probably wouldnt know until the Monday after the 15th. It's just not feasible as far as the timeline for people to know before then I think since the 15th is like a Thurs or Fri or something. Although, I can't really say for sure... this is just what I surmise.

Thanks for the update, FCD! That *does* make sense... I mean, I'd rather not have to wait longer, but whatever. The fifteenth is this Thursday. Last year, May fifteenth was a Tuesday (in 2006, the fifteenth was on a Monday).
in case you guys were curious...

Duke Waitlist Movement Start Dates (and the corresponding day of the week):
2007: 5/11-Friday (I think that most calls went out on 5/15- Tuesday)
2006: 5/16-Tuesday
2005: 5/16- Monday
2004: 5/27- Thursday
2003: 5/26- Monday
2002: 5/17- Friday

Good luck everyone :luck:
Haha...how exactly did you find that information?

We're gonna have to come up with a variable countdown.

Another DWL here, hey to everyone waiting
Bunny, your detective abilities are impressive!
I found the dates by searching the SDN archives :p. I think that the May 15th countdown is still fine. After that, I figure that calls could come any day...
I hope we don't have to wait until the 26th or 27th for the first calls, a la 2003/2004....
But wait--hold up--all I get from Bunny's data is that there's no real way to tell when the calls will come... right? If there's some trend I'm missing feel free to point it out!
Well, theyre all in may, and the majority of calls has never happened before the 15th. Basically, it confirms everything you already knew.

Im still surprised to see the waitlist is over 200. Why would you keep a waitlist bigger than the class youre trying to fill?
That was my point exactly, regarding the waitlist size. Just seems that it makes life more difficult for the AdCom when time comes to pull people off the list... unless the list is already ranked!
perhaps FCD or burnsie could enlighten us...how DO they decide who to pick from a class of 200? :p
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this could be (a.k.a. is) just a crazy theory, but if they send out about 200 acc's, and have about 200 wl's, and, from what ive read in this topic, they like to replace people with similar characteristics, could it be we all have an accepted counterpart we're tied to?

I love crazy theories.

Everybody post a crazy theory!
no- they don't end up taking 200 in their class so not everybody who says no gets a replacement.

maybe they have a wall full of all your pictures and they throw darts.
I don't know how they decided on everyone else, but for my 2 months of waitlist time, I sent the admissions office daily photos of myself in various provocative positions and threatened to continue to do so for the next 4 years unless accepted. If any of you current waitlistees are also of the fugly variety, I suggest using similar tactics.
I figure that there was something up in 2003 and 2004 (possibly Duke accepted people from the waitlist earlier that the 26th/27th, but none of those people posted on SDN) and that calls generally start just a few days after the 15th. I also noticed that calls generally started at the beginning of the week- consistent with what FCD said for this year's prediction. Yeah, the 15th and 16th did end up falling at the beginning of the week in the three most recent years, but we can't tell if the initiation of waitlist movement is tied to the earlier days of the week or not.

maybe they have a wall full of all your pictures and they throw darts.
So that's why they took our pictures at the interview... Maybe whoever looks hottest in their interview photo gets accepted :scared:?
I don't know how they decided on everyone else, but for my 2 months of waitlist time, I sent the admissions office daily photos of myself in various provocative positions and threatened to continue to do so for the next 4 years unless accepted. If any of you current waitlistees are also of the fugly variety, I suggest using similar tactics.

"Definitely send a letter of intent. Make the letter stand out, I sent a picture of myself with it."
-a member of the Duke Med class of 2006 (the first 2002 waitlist acceptance).

You wouldn't be the first Duke waitlistee to send in a photo with your letter of intent... Maybe if I make a huge poster of my face with "ADMIT ME!" or "FUTURE DUKE" in gigantic blue letters. I'd have to express mail that sucker to get it there by the end of this week, but it'd be worth it.
well, im hoping that my letter stood out based on what i actually said. Im betting the kid who sent a photo with theirs was the same way.

Of course, if im wrong, i suggest dipping the envelope in glue first, glitter second.
You wouldn't be the first Duke waitlistee to send in a photo with your letter of intent
Though mine was less a letter of intent and more a letter of threat with a note of intent at the end. I believe it read: "I will continue to send daily nauseating photos of myself unless accepted, an endeavor supported by my recent purchase of a 1 gb digital camera memory card as well as many satin pillows. Upon acceptance, I will withdraw all outstanding applications and matriculate."

It worked, so I'm not complaining.
Maybe video updates using YouTube? I'll send links to videos of myself on a treadmill in lingerie. Each video will end with a close up shot of my bum, upon which I'll have written "DUKE MED 2012" in gigantic letters with a sharpie marker.
4PM: SBBunny discusses a public radio show.
11PM: SBBunny discusses skanky YouTube video threats.

I'm versatile!

(Duke, please admit me)
Poor crazy hyper bunny.

Deep breaths. Everything's gonna work out like it should. You just have to figure out why.

For instance, I have a may birthday. Nobody wants to bum someone else out near their birthday.
As it's nearly one year to the day from when I received a life-altering waitlist phonecall in the shower from my personal hero, RW, I thought I'd post and give a shout out and a big :luck: GOOD LUCK :luck: to everyone. I know how stressful it is to wait for news without even knowing when it might be coming. But, people do get in, and I know a fair number of my classmates who share a similar story. You guys will get through this, and if you ultimately don't end up attending Duke, you will make great physicians elsewhere. Never let go of the dream!
Oh man, talking of fugly, that's the perfect adjective to describe how I looked in the photo that the nice admissions lady took of me on interview day. (Not sure why it was necessary to get within inches of my nose to take it, but I guess I have to take at least part of the blame...)

And wow, talk about thread activity outburst! For a while there it seemed like a two way convo between me and Bunny, so it's nice to have others on board! (No offense, Bunny!)

Duke, please admit ME!
...in the photo that the nice admissions lady took of me on interview day...

Haha, sadly this photo follows you for your whole career as a way of identifying you to lecturers, lab professors, office staff, and is even posted on the wall outside of CTL for all to admire as part of a class photo montage.
Lies! Must be lies! And if you really are telling the truth, surely a small bribe could correct matters (or maybe I've been living in Africa for too long!). ;)
Oh man, talking of fugly, that's the perfect adjective to describe how I looked in the photo that the nice admissions lady took of me on interview day. (Not sure why it was necessary to get within inches of my nose to take it, but I guess I have to take at least part of the blame...)

And wow, talk about thread activity outburst! For a while there it seemed like a two way convo between me and Bunny, so it's nice to have others on board! (No offense, Bunny!)

Duke, please admit ME!

No offense taken. I'm glad to see other Duke hopefuls coming out of the woodwork! Good luck everyone :luck:

Yeah... in my interview day photo, my face looks really shiny and reddish, my nose looks oddly pointy, and one eye is half-closed. I look like some kind of space troll.

Oh yeah... TWO DAYS (maybe?) :banana: :banana:
I'm about 6'7, so the secretary didnt even look through the camera to take mine.

No biggie, picasso's still popular right?

I just want to ask that everyone please be respectful if you hear good news. It's ok to be happy and excited and throw in some dancing bananas, and we're all happy for you and will dress up like bananas and will dance with you, but remember that you just got something that exactly everyone else in here wants.

With that out of the way, I get to pass today away helping with a 6 hour spine surgery! I just wish i had my plate full the rest of the week...instead, there's NOTHING.

At least Duke got the name right. They are definitely appropriately called WAITlists, not alternate lists or what have you.

Also, will you guys do me a favor and give me your opinion on this issue?
thanks alot!
I just want to ask that everyone please be respectful if you hear good news. It's ok to be happy and excited and throw in some dancing bananas, and we're all happy for you and will dress up like bananas and will dance with you, but remember that you just got something that exactly everyone else in here wants.

*nod* good point. Another thing to keep in mind is that the waitlist moves all throughout the summer (through late June, according to previous years' threads)- even if you don't get a call right away, there's still hope!

With that out of the way, I get to pass today away helping with a 6 hour spine surgery!

Dude, I'm jealous. Are you interested in neurosurgery? If so, today's NY Times had an interesting article about a rare brain tumor. Oh, and I'm neither from New Jersey nor accepted at any school in Florida.
Currently i'm interested in all surgery that isnt GI. Today is a laminectomy and fusion in the lumbar spine.

Cool article. My big interest in neurology is nerve-electronic interfaces. UPenn put out a great article about the potential for using electrodes to control robotic limbs. Probably old news by now (Jan 07, i think), but id be happy to email it to you

Also, its finally not raining and freezing in baltimore again!
Totally agree on the respect issue. If accepted, there are plenty of places we can all go to get showered in congratulations (i.e. our parents' house, our best friend's appartment, or even over to the Duke 2012 thread in allo), so no need to flaunt it hear!

Lollapaluzzi--so jealous on the spine surgery! But I do pity any short underlings who'll be in your future OR--they'll hardly be able to see over the table edge if it's set to 6'7" height! ;)
Here, not hear. It's one of my pet peeves when people slip in the incorrect homonym, and yet for some reason lately I've been doing it quite frequently. Not good when you are annoying yourself on a regular basis....
Just to clarify, they won't be using your admissions pictures. Instead, they will send you on a scavenger hunt on the first day of orientation around Duke campus so you can get nice and sweat, then they will take your picture that will be up in Duke for all of eternity :)
Just to clarify, they won't be using your admissions pictures. Instead, they will send you on a scavenger hunt on the first day of orientation around Duke campus so you can get nice and sweat, then they will take your picture that will be up in Duke for all of eternity :)
Ugh, now THAT was a bad picture. I look like a dressed up crack ***** on a binge. I would have happily used my interview picture instead...
Ugh, now THAT was a bad picture. I look like a dressed up crack ***** on a binge. I would have happily used my interview picture instead...

I looked good in neither of those pictures... although I look halfway decent in my ID pic.
The Duke 2012 Facebook group is up to 36 people -- versus 29 on May 11th... Still hope? :luck:
Ugh, now THAT was a bad picture. I look like a dressed up crack ***** on a binge. I would have happily used my interview picture instead...

Haha... so good to see you today :)

I looked good in neither of those pictures... although I look halfway decent in my ID pic.

Really?!?!?!?! You take pictures that actually look halfway decent??? :smuggrin:

... I know... you are rolling your eyes. Whatever.
Thanks for all the help burns. A thought occurs; if you were to ninja your way into the admish office it could really turn out to be the best way to end all my decision making. Yknow, depending on how good a ninja you are :cool:

Nova, i think i might alternate days where I stand so nobody can see, or everyone can see and i get to sit. Here's hoping those long surgeries are easier on your back when you're actually doing them.
The Duke 2012 Facebook group is up to 36 people -- versus 29 on May 11th... Still hope? :luck:
(class sizes via MSAR- I think the number corresponds only to MD students)

-Duke Medical 2012: 29 members --> 37 (class of 98 people)
-Columbia Medical 2012: 51 members --> 54 (class of 155 people)
-Harvard Medical 2012: 85 members --> 87 (class of 165 people)
-Yale Medical 2012: 24 members --> 26 (class of 99 people)
-Stanford Medical 2012: 62 members --> 62 (class of 86 people)
-Mayo Medical 2012: 30 members --> 31 (class of 43 people)

Every Facebook group is growing, but it seems that the Duke group just had a bit of a growth spurt.

Thanks for all the help burns. A thought occurs; if you were to ninja your way into the admish office it could really turn out to be the best way to end all my decision making. Yknow, depending on how good a ninja you are

Nova, i think i might alternate days where I stand so nobody can see, or everyone can see and i get to sit. Here's hoping those long surgeries are easier on your back when you're actually doing them.

All the best plans involve ninjas.

You can be the WORLD'S MOST GIANT DOCTOR! (Scrubs reference)

All this talk about ninjas is making me consider a career change. Unfortunately its tough to gauge the demand for ninjas because theyre always hiding.
Here's hoping those long surgeries are easier on your back when you're actually doing them.

I've wondered that during my shadowing experiences too. Maybe you just slowly get used to it? Or learn to grin and bear it? I guess we'll find out eventually....
I think your height is great sign for your odds at Duke Med! At Second Look, I noticed an abnormally large number of extremely tall people... perhaps the admissions office has a height bias preference?
Bias or not, it might be worth telling them that an accepted student thinks i would fit in well with the class :thumbup:

For some reason im getting a good vibe. Yknow, one of those vibes where you tell math and logic to shut their mouths and let you keep it real.

Also, I'm over my career crisis. Height and invisibility have a very strong inverse proportionality. :thumbdown:
Current Duke students, do you guys have any inside news for us? That is, any current Duke student other than GuardianAngel (a misnomer if there ever was one) since I have no trust left in him/her. :mad:

Come now, nova1983, I know that your heart must have sunk when you first saw my little prank, but didn't I also provide you with a burst of joy when you found out that it wasn't real? Let's not overlook the good!

I promise to be nothing but a fountain of truth from now on.:biglove: