Dukes Anonymous :)

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I would like to highlight the increase in usage of emoticons around May 15th.



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:luck: :banana: :luck: Best of luck everyone!!!! :banana: :luck: :banana:

I've had an unlucky night/morning. The wireless connection in my apartment was NOT working last night. I tried to go to bed early (~12:45am), but I kept waking up in the middle of the night. I got out of bed about two hours before I had planned to wake up, eager to get my free iced coffee from Dunkin Donuts- I decided to get one after I got to work. I had to wait on the subway platform for at least fifteen minutes- (5) trains were running on the (2) track because of "an investigation/incident," and for some reason, (1) trains (I take the (1)) were mega-delayed. I got to my stop and walked the ~3 blocks uptown to my Dunkin Donuts. It was closed with a sign saying "Temporarily closed." I decide to walk downtown until I pass by the next Dunkin Donuts (at this point, I'm DETERMINED to get my free coffee + not-free donut). About 8 blocks later, I find the next Dunkin Donuts (ah, America). I go in, ready to get my coffee. Turns out that they don't start giving free iced coffee until 10am (it was ~9am at that point). Defeated (and really pretty hungry), I walk back to work, getting a carrot muffin and instant hot cocoa at my favorite bakery on the way. I'm hoping that my day gets better.

Sounds like an adventure and few things really make for a good life like adventure does. Be glad you had an interesting morning and saw some different things, even if it didn't come out as predicted!
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OK, no one freak out, I did NOT get a phone call from Duke...

...but I did just find out that I am going to be a doctor!!! Holy crap! So exciting! (Trying to avert emoticon usage so as not to give anyone a heart attack!)

Of course, Duke still remains my first choice, but the angst has just been decreased a million fold, since I AM GOING TO BE A DOCTOR! eeeeeeeeeee!!!
Congrats nova. Where did you hear from today if not Duke?
OK, no one freak out, I did NOT get a phone call from Duke...

...but I did just find out that I am going to be a doctor!!! Holy crap! So exciting! (Trying to avert emoticon usage so as not to give anyone a heart attack!)

Of course, Duke still remains my first choice, but the angst has just been decreased a million fold, since I AM GOING TO BE A DOCTOR! eeeeeeeeeee!!!



I needed to post that image. The banana made me. YAY NOVA :)
Yeah, UBC! Which is a great school in its own right, and if Duke doesn't work out, it'll mean that I can be close to home and my family in beautiful Vancouver.

And Bunny, how on earth did you make that banana so big?!? Heheheh!

But now I'm nervous that all these congrats and bananas are going to make people freak out and think that I heard from Duke. Sorry for that, guys, I didn't mean to make anyone's heart sink!

You guys are the best! Thanks so much!
*hugs nova*

oh, youre so soft! is it the white coat? it IS!
For those keeping up with my storyline, i ultimately chose robert wood johnson umdnj over miami miller. Thanks to those who helped.
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Thanks burns. I figure with the competition in the residencies I want, i dont need beaches and the like distracting me when i should be working harder. Also, given that neurosurgery might be one of them, id have enough on my plate, i dont need to be in the money hole too.
leaves gym o_o


From: Mom -_-

1 hour later....

watches tv o_o


"Hi, this is the umdnj doctor who was going to answer your questions about deciding on a school" -_-
Dude, the calls go out in the early afternoon (based on previous years, I'm predicting 11:45am - 3pm)! Relax!

And, because I know that you are all dying to know...

The Conclusion of SBBunny's Epic Quest for Dunkin Donuts
After work, I went back to my apartment. I took a quick nap before my dance class, then got on the subway to get to class. I was getting on the train on my way uptown from the dance studio when I saw a woman holding a Dunkin Donuts cup. I recalled that the free coffee promotion was going on until 10pm- I still had time! I got off the subway a few stops after my usual one- that particular stop has two Dunkin Donuts right across the street from each other. I went to the first Dunkin Donuts- the angry man behind the counter told me that the free coffee promotion was OVER. It was about 9:30 and I figured that maybe the other Dunkin Donuts (right across the street) might be more friendly. I crossed the street and saw a sign on the door that said, "NO MORE FREE COFFEE TODAY." The game was over- I had FAILED to get my free iced coffee. Dejected, I walked back downtown to my apartment. I passed by a Dunkin Donuts really close to my apartment (I didn't remember that Dunkin Donuts being there). There were a couple people in the shop, so I figured it was worth a shot. I waited in line, got to the front, and asked if I could get a free coffee. THEY GAVE ME MY FREE ICED COFFEE :hardy:. It only took FIVE Dunkin Donuts and over twelve hours, but I did it. Victory for me!
I'm pretty relaxed between phone calls, but when i hear it ring i get all excited. I received two acceptances at night, but thanks for letting me know about the time slot, i havent done the forum legwork you have.

Kudos on the coffee. I'm holding off starting an addiction on that stuff until i absolutely need it.
'grats, nova, on the acceptance and 'grats, bunny, on the coffee! Good to see spirits are high.

Lolla - I prolly suck down 30+ oz of coffee a day.

I'm thinking of adding another project to my third year: "Detrimental effects on patient care of unknowingly decaffeinated physicians."
I hope we hear back from Duke today too!! YAY DUKE!!

I'm still pinching myself, and wondering if it's true, but I just got an e-mail from RW offering me a position in the class of 2012! :hardy: I cannot believe this, but in the space of 24 hours I went from thinking I'd have to reapply to having two acceptances, one at my number one choice! Just in a state of shock right now....

I don't know if I got an e-mail and not a phonecall because I am in Canada, but in any case, I am really hoping that more of you guys from this thread get accepted! GOOD LUCK!
I'm still pinching myself, and wondering if it's true, but I just got an e-mail from RW offering me a position in the class of 2012! :hardy: I cannot believe this, but in the space of 24 hours I went from thinking I'd have to reapply to having two acceptances, one at my number one choice! Just in a state of shock right now....

I don't know if I got an e-mail and not a phonecall because I am in Canada, but in any case, I am really hoping that more of you guys from this thread get accepted! GOOD LUCK!


nothing here...
I guess whoever said 0 calls wins the pool....due to emails instead
I guess whoever said 0 calls wins the pool....due to emails instead

Nova might've been the only one with an email acceptance (b/c she's in Canada)... unless you got an email??
Haha no. Sadly.

Nova mustve been one stud of an applicant, international spots are tough.

I wonder if any current duke students close to the admiss office can give us some sort of WL update?
I'm still pinching myself, and wondering if it's true, but I just got an e-mail from RW offering me a position in the class of 2012! :hardy: I cannot believe this, but in the space of 24 hours I went from thinking I'd have to reapply to having two acceptances, one at my number one choice! Just in a state of shock right now....

I don't know if I got an e-mail and not a phonecall because I am in Canada, but in any case, I am really hoping that more of you guys from this thread get accepted! GOOD LUCK!

congrats to you!! i just also want to second the comment about is surely the studliness of your app.

"smart canadians make straight Eh's!"
WOW!!! CONGRATS NOVA. This dancing banana is for you:banana:

Praying that Duke will soon give me a call
Hehe. I like that joke.... Thanks guys! And no, as my 25 rejections show, I am no stud of an applicant--just super, SUPER passionate about making a difference in the developing world through providing healthcare. I guess Duke was the only US school that saw this passion and was willing to take a chance on me! :D

I really don't want to hog all the congratulations on this thread. Someone call the office and see if they are done sending out acceptances.... SO MUCH GOOD LUCK TO ALL OF YOU :luck::luck::luck:
Well, i dont think any of us want to call and seem needy. If only we all knew someone who was already accepted so it wouldnt matter if they bothered a busy admissions office...
Well, i dont think any of us want to call and seem needy. If only we all knew someone who was already accepted so it wouldnt matter if they bothered a busy admissions office...

Somebody with ninja skills ;)

I'm optimistic... maybe foolishly. There'll still be acceptances to come.
Well the duke facebook group went up 4 people. Whether, thats from waitlist calls or deciding on may15th, its still 4 less spots
I'm still pinching myself, and wondering if it's true, but I just got an e-mail from RW offering me a position in the class of 2012! :hardy: I cannot believe this, but in the space of 24 hours I went from thinking I'd have to reapply to having two acceptances, one at my number one choice! Just in a state of shock right now....

I don't know if I got an e-mail and not a phonecall because I am in Canada, but in any case, I am really hoping that more of you guys from this thread get accepted! GOOD LUCK!

WOW!!! Congrats!!! I actually heard you were in like an hour ago from two of my classmates who know you and said that you had gotten in. I was like... wait... I know her. My classmate was like, "How?" and I was like, "From SDN of course..." and then she was like, "I wouldn't go telling too many people that." LOL!!! She was only half-way joking.
Hey FCD, any indication as to how much post may15th action is left for the rest of us?
WOW!!! Congrats!!! I actually heard you were in like an hour ago from two of my classmates who know you and said that you had gotten in. I was like... wait... I know her. My classmate was like, "How?" and I was like, "From SDN of course..." and then she was like, "I wouldn't go telling too many people that." LOL!!! She was only half-way joking.

Haha! Yah, please don't tell anyone! (Seriously, don't tell anyone!) It can be our little secret, khob? I like to at least pretend thatI'm cool and nonchalant, and being part of a hardcore pre-med internet forum sort of diminishes that appearance, ya know!

THANKS GUYS. (And I wish I had the guts to call the admissions office for y'all, but I am too chicken...)
Just called and was told, "there has been movement starting today, and it will continue until our class is filled." Also verified that it will be phone calls.
Haha! Yah, please don't tell anyone! (Seriously, don't tell anyone!) It can be our little secret, khob? I like to at least pretend thatI'm cool and nonchalant, and being part of a hardcore pre-med internet forum sort of diminishes that appearance, ya know!

THANKS GUYS. (And I wish I had the guts to call the admissions office for y'all, but I am too chicken...)
nova, congrats!! That is awesome, awesome news. I was totally impressed when I read your letter of interest and I have no doubt the admissions office was as well. Will you be coming here then?

Best of luck to all who haven't heard yet. Don't get discouraged! I got my call around 1:30 a couple years ago (and several went later in the afternoon), and there are always applicants who are admitted in June and/or July. Do NOT give up hope! :luck:
I'm still pinching myself, and wondering if it's true, but I just got an e-mail from RW offering me a position in the class of 2012! :hardy: I cannot believe this, but in the space of 24 hours I went from thinking I'd have to reapply to having two acceptances, one at my number one choice! Just in a state of shock right now....

Looks like it was worth the wait for you. Congrats, sounds like you'll make a great doctor.
Haha I was thinking supernova this morning but considered that to be too dorky and declined to post it. I guess I was wrong.
I'm still pinching myself, and wondering if it's true, but I just got an e-mail from RW offering me a position in the class of 2012!

Congrats, Nova! We were all standing around my computer this morning before lab reading SDN and everybody was rooting for you. Everybody else, keep up the faith and good luck!
I called and was told that there'd be no more calls today, but that there would be more next week. I recall that, earlier this year, there was a fiasco with admissions constantly promising more acceptances on their way. I'm pretty much giving up.
Thanks guys, this outpouring of congrats means so much--especially because I know what it is like to be in your shoes and to feel so disappointed that someone else got the e-mail/call/letter/interview and I didn't. But keep your fingers crossed for good news, because I certainly am still hoping that one or more of you will be accepted today or next week.

Bunny and Kuhlguy (and whoever else is still in waitlist hell) -- I am also sending you my good karma for your other waitlists. :luck:

To answer Burnsie's question: HELL YA I'll be coming! My family is pretty bummed that I won't be sticking around because I've been far away from home (and for the last 3 years very very far away from home) since I was 17, but this is an opportunity that I simply cannot pass up.

OK, enough about me. Seriously. I hereby ban further talk of Nova on this thread. KEEP YOUR CHINS UP GUYS, I'm still hopeful. :luck::luck::luck:
SBBunny don't give up. Instead heed the wise words of .38 Special:
Just Hold On Loosely, but don't let go
If you cling to tightly,
you're gonna lose control
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]
SBBunny don't give up. Instead heed the wise words of .38 Special:
Just Hold On Loosely, but don't let go
If you cling to tightly,
you're gonna lose control
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]

That's an excellent quote, NuRhoPsi. I am *SO TIRED* being constantly let down. I hate to say it, but I'm really, really suspicious of Duke's claim that there's going to be more waitlist movement later. It doesn't make sense... are they thinking that people just accepted from the waitlist are going to turn down their acceptances? I mean, they surely have a sense of how many open spots they have for waitlistees... Why didn't all the calls go out today? *SIGH*

...A review of previous threads DOES seem to indicate that Duke sometimes spreads out the initial round of acceptances out over a short period of time (>1 day). Still.... SIGH.
I am close to 100% positive that there will be more acceptances coming our way. Just got to keep praying!
I am close to 100% positive that there will be more acceptances coming our way. Just got to keep praying!

I hope so :(. Any idea of what our prognosis is, current Dukies (aka ninja task force)?

Alright, we all (w'all?) need to find some good weekend activities to try to keep sane. I'll be doing situps to try to counteract the gigantic mound of cookies that I just ate.

Also- I know there was a motion not to do this anymore- but nova rocks. Awesome AND humble!

:luck: everyone.