DWI under 21 a while ago- Already accepted through EDP...What next?

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My first comment was in jest, and even then I said I wouldn't wish that on anyone.

In any case, I'm happy for you that everything worked out. :clap:

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I know plenty of people who got very drunk at a birthday, bachelor party, wedding, etc that are otherwise light social drinkers. It's possible to get a DUI because someone makes a bad choice, and not necessarily because they are an alcoholic (or anywhere close to that).

Thank you
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I'm not sure why there is such overt skepticism of his story, it is certainly believable, however stupid a mistake OP made (sorry OP, it is kinda bad). I'm glad it sounds like things will work out. best of luck to you!
Glad it sounds like things will be alright. :)
I'm not sure why there is such overt skepticism of his story, it is certainly believable, however stupid a mistake OP made (sorry OP, it is kinda bad). I'm glad it sounds like things will work out. best of luck to you!
It was extremely stupid. No need to apologize.
haha, I can't make you understand my man.

He/she doesn't have to understand. For all you know, one of his/her relatives or friends could have been killed by a drunk driver.

Because of that (or other reasons) some people have no tolerance for that sort of thing...and it can be totally understandable if the above happened to them.

According to your story (which I believe since you have stood by it), you weren't driving so that's good. But again, just the charge of a DWI is enough to raise emotion in someone who has been a victim or close to a victim of the carelessness of a drunk driver.
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I'm not sure why there is such overt skepticism of his story, it is certainly believable, however stupid a mistake OP made (sorry OP, it is kinda bad). I'm glad it sounds like things will work out. best of luck to you!

Follow the threads where people give a scenario whether it's cheating, getting kicked out of residency, etc. Many times, the poster will later admit that their original post wasn't the whole story. That is the source of skepticism.

My original skepticism is not to make the OP feel bad, but to hopefully in the end help them... to let them know that they have to be completely honest and forthright, especially when it comes to state licensure. They will almost certainly have to write a separate part on their application explaining what happened. If they are caught being dishonest at all, they are in trouble.

My main intention was to let the OP know this for the future to save them the headaches of dealing with that. The OP says the way they described it is how it happened...so they write their explanation like that...if the state ever checks it out they'll see there is no discrepancy, and all should be good.
Follow the threads where people give a scenario whether it's cheating, getting kicked out of residency, etc. Many times, the poster will later admit that their original post wasn't the whole story. That is the source of skepticism.

My original skepticism is not to make the OP feel bad, but to hopefully in the end help them... to let them know that they have to be completely honest and forthright, especially when it comes to state licensure. They will almost certainly have to write a separate part on their application explaining what happened. If they are caught being dishonest at all, they are in trouble.

My main intention was to let the OP know this for the future to save them the headaches of dealing with that. The OP says the way they described it is how it happened...so they write their explanation like that...if the state ever checks it out they'll see there is no discrepancy, and all should be good.

Oh no, I'm aware of these frequent threads. If anything their entertainment, however I like to give a person the person a chance. In this case, I have a feeling OP is being truthful. It sounds like OP already told his school so now he can only hope. Not everyone gets a second chance from their mistakes, so it would be nice to see this workout and OP will be all the wiser for this headache.
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If I was outside my car getting busted, I'm not sure I would put the keys in the ignition when I got in. That doesn't seem 'customary' to me.
I put my keys in the ignition whenever I get in, even if I don't turn the car on, because if I don't I inevitably lose them/drop them down the gap next to the seat/sit on them, etc. Also I am a girl, so digging your hands in your jean pockets while seated is actually rather difficult because they're not baggy at all.

My car also only unlocks from the drivers' side door...I cannot unlock the car from any other point, there are no other keyholes.

I cannot speak to OP's actions specifically, of course, and sober me would probably remember not to put the keys in the ignition during an intoxication stop, but drunk me may not, and OP's story sounds plausible, sadly. To be honest, sounds like a dick move for the cop to ask them to retrieve something from their car and then pounce on them for being behind the wheel.
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I put my keys in the ignition whenever I get in, even if I don't turn the car on, because if I don't I inevitably lose them/drop them down the gap next to the seat/sit on them, etc. Also I am a girl, so digging your hands in your jean pockets while seated is actually rather difficult because they're not baggy at all.

My car also only unlocks from the drivers' side door...I cannot unlock the car from any other point, there are no other keyholes.

I cannot speak to OP's actions specifically, of course, and sober me would probably remember not to put the keys in the ignition during an intoxication stop, but drunk me may not, and OP's story sounds plausible, sadly. To be honest, sounds like a dick move for the cop to ask them to retrieve something from their car and then pounce on them for being behind the wheel.

Haha thanks for the back-up. He actually didn't even tell me to get the license and registration. I could have avoided the DWI entirely if I had just turned and face the cop after I was done urinating. In my drunkenness, some programmed thought was directing me to get my license and registration as soon as I saw the cop. All in all a very unfortunate and stupid circumstance.
Haha thanks for the back-up. He actually didn't even tell me to get the license and registration. I could have avoided the DWI entirely if I had just turned and face the cop after I was done urinating. In my drunkenness, some programmed thought was directing me to get my license and registration as soon as I saw the cop. All in all a very unfortunate and stupid circumstance.
Ahh, gotcha. I understand the charge now.
That sucks.
Probably would have gotten lower charges than a DWI...
Probably. But HEY did you notice I finally used the shrug face?! I've been looking for an opportunity ever since I found out it wasn't a weight-lifter emoticon.
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Probably would have gotten lower charges than a DWI...
more than one person in FL has gotten on the sex offender registry for indecent exposure.......due to public urination. crazy
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more than one person in FL has gotten on the sex offender registry for indecent exposure.......due to public urination. crazy
Yup. I know some people consider urinating to be a sexual act, but I'm surprised that a majority of lawmakers seem to think so.
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You are trying to be a doctor and you have a dui...break up with alcohol

I don't think that you understand that DUI is unfortunately a BROAD category. DUI is technically an acronym for "Driving under the influence." As a result, when you hear "DUI," you assume that the person charged with it was driving/moving a vehicle on a road.

However, you can be charged for DUI for just sitting in your car in the driver's seat drunk, even if your car is off. You can obviously also be charged for DUI for sitting in your car in the driver's seat with the engine on (as was in the case for OP).

It doesn't surprise me at all that someone who is drunk who is asked to go into his car to get his registration would instinctively turn on the ignition. A lot of the times, when we're drunk, we depend a lot on muscle memory, and I know for sure that the only times I really ever get into my car is to turn it on.

There's no need to slam this guy talking about how he doesn't deserve to be a physician just because he was charged with a "DUI." I do believe that if he were actually driving drunk, perhaps he should sit out of the whole doctor game for a while.
Background checks are clean. Phew.
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Thanks! I disclosed everything already though. Hopefully none of that us used against me lol.
Oh man this thread was so suspenseful. I too have a DWI from when I was 20 and I'm a med school hopeful so I'm glad to hear your acceptance worked out for you! There's hope!

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