ECE evaluation.

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Apr 12, 2020
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Is anyone here from Pakistan who have gotten their ECE evaluation done? Can you please guide how they change our percentages into US grade i.e is 70% and above 4.00/A grade or is 65% and above 4.00/A grade? I know for india they used to give A grade for 65% and above. Found some online samples for india. Don't know if they still do or not. Just would like an estimate knowledge for us too. Would be grateful for any help. 🙂

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Is anyone here from Pakistan who have gotten their ECE evaluation done? Can you please guide how they change our percentages into US grade i.e is 70% and above 4.00/A grade or is 65% and above 4.00/A grade? I know for india they used to give A grade for 65% and above. Found some online samples for india. Don't know if they still do or not. Just would like an estimate knowledge for us too. Would be grateful for any help. 🙂
No wonder "A" students have several attempts. lol