Emory DPT

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New Member
Jan 27, 2021
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Hello everyone! Has anyone heard back from Emory after their interview on Jan 7? Thanks!

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I heard back as well on Thursday that I have been put on the waitlist via email.
I was also waitlisted via email. I got in somewhere else and have to put a non refundable $500 deposit down last Friday. Happy but Emory was a top choice.
Does anyone know how many people are on the waitlist or how much movement occurs on it? I can’t seem to find much from previous years on this.
I was also waitlisted via email. I got in somewhere else and have to put a non refundable $500 deposit down last Friday. Happy but Emory was a top choice.
Congratulations on getting another acceptance! Please don’t forget to withdraw from the waitlist.
Just got an email saying i’ve been accepted after being put on the waitlist! Good luck to everyone!
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